It is strange that nowadays, even a believer could not freely give a testimony in church. I could not speak or read this testimony openly in church at the watch night service due to fear of persecution from the leaders and their hardcore supporters in Calvary Church, but I believe God is worthy of all praises, and I want to take this opportunity to share my testimony here and give Him all the glory He deserved. I don’t mind if anyone of you courageous enough to read it in the church. But bear in mind that they who threaten to hurt those concern members after the publish of the articles in the Star, may persecute you right at the spot. The persecution we face within the church today is real.
My testimony begin like this:
Somewhere middle of last year, I felt so upset with the pastors and the leaders of the church. Such frustration is accumulated over many disappointments over several years on what I saw in the church leadership and their hardcore supporters. Their actions, teachings and behavior really tell me that they do not really follow Jesus. I saw all these in their fruit and I was upset to know nothing have been done to address such.
I wonder to myself, “How can such obvious contradiction against God’s Word and His Spirit can be tolerated and even justified in the house of God?” But it seem at that time, every one simply follow along the trend of the church culture, without much check on the Scriptures or even consult the Lord on their direction. I kept the matter to myself, thinking I alone can do nothing about this, and I might as well shut up. But I could not ignore it. Such matter kept arising to my mind. In every church services I attend, every time I pray, and as I study God’s Word, the matter arise in my mind, as though as it matter to the Lord. But as I am upset and confused at why the church succeed in doing wrong, I argue with the Lord, saying, “But You don’t care, else why they who go wrong can still be successful in their wrong ways?” Sometime I argue, “What can I do, when Lord, You let it happen, and yet does nothing for them to repent?”
It was some where in the middle of last year, that I wept in prayer in my car every time I went home from church. I remember one Sunday afternoon, as I wept in my car, while still inside Avenue building, I begin to ask the Lord to intervene. I asked, “Lord, send people to speak to the pastors. Lord, send at least 50 people to tell the pastors that they are wrong and need to repent, as a sign to me that You intervened; and that’s enough for me to believe You care”.
After that Sunday, I did not attend Calvary Church for a year. When I discover the blog Calvary Today several months ago and found out that they are about 50 of them who started it, I was over joy. You see, I am not a register member of the church, and therefore do not attend any General Meeting on church issues (I refuse to be one because of the prejudice scheme of member selection that I saw, and how possessed are some members by the institution spirit and pastor adoration) Due to such, I was isolated and I do not know that God Himself actually already raise up several people to speak His Words or warning to the pastors, and the number of these people is arising.
When I first found the blog several months ago, I felt my burden lifted. I still do not know who they are, but I felt the Lord has intervened through them and has listen to my cry when I was in my car in Avenue building last year. Now I knew how foolish I was, when I complain to the Lord that He does not care; when actually He does and has indeed already prepare the answer through TT&G before my prayer. While I was not a registered member and may not able to do anything about the present situation, I felt that the Lord want me to stand with Him, grow in the ability in distinguishing right from wrong, good from evil (Heb 5:14), for to Him, such attribute in us is much more important than merely getting rich or enjoying luxury life as seen in some church leaders today.
I want to encourage you who have the same concern with me, who may be confused at the contradiction seen between God’s Word and church practices, to take heart for the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Lord who commanded us not to greed for money and fame, has not changed. His character, virtue, and stature mentioned in His Words remains true. What is right remains right, and what is wrong remains wrong, no matter who tried to preach to sway it or even prophesy to divert it. God want us to think wholesomely (2 Peter 3:1) and that His standard has not changed.
Do not be confused or led astray by all kind of sermons, false prophesy or cunning strategies, but rather stay focus on His Words that penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; and judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb 4:12). Be discerned and be concern. What you have learned in your walk with the Lord is not superseded. They cannot be superseded. His Word remain true. For the virtue that God has molded into you, the Godly character He built in you through His Spirit and His Word, is a progress of your spiritual growth. It is not to be demolished nor superseded. It matter to the Lord and He will not let people lead you astray.
While the church over-occupied by CCC, God never divert His focus from His people. We are the people of the Lord; we are the apple of His eyes. In this end time, He builds us, His church, not any death structures.
I want to thank the Lord for answering my prayer through CalvaryToday and all those concern members who support TT&G. Through them, God has told me that He cares and listen to the cry of His people. It is easy to build CCC in this fallen world, where with enough money, influence, dirty scheme and deception, evil can prevail; but it takes God’s miracle and a lot of faith in God to speak the courageous words of the season and return truth back to the church today. Thank God for those who dare to speak for truth.
We are the concern members and He is the concern God, not an ignorant one. He cares!!! While leaders merely concern on not abandon CCC, our Lord’s concern is on His people and their spiritual health. Goodness is not when one chase after luxury while ignore the rest. Goodness is when we see the Lord intervene as a response to our prayers. The Lord is good in year 2009 and He will always be.
“Thank you Lord for answering my prayer. May the will of the Lord for His church be accomplished, and His truth set His church free. All glory to the Lord. Amen!!”
Thankfully submitted by Lee.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
A Great Present For Jesus
Christmas is a story of giving! As we join millions of Christians around the world to celebrate this special day, we are reminded of the greatest Gift of all and that is, God’s gift of His son, Jesus to us. The Bible gives us a little glimpse of where Jesus really came from in John 1:1-2, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” So the Bible tells us that Jesus is really God Himself in the form of man. Here’s the first Christmas story from the Bible.
Luke 2 : 1- 7 - The Birth of Jesus
"In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."
The Bible also records 2 groups of people who came to visit Jesus to celebrate His birthday.
1. Luke 2: 8-20 - The Shepherds and the Angels
"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
2. Matthew 2 : 1-12 - The Visit of the Magi
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: " 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'"
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him."
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route."
What can we learn from the Christmas Story?
Firstly, Jesus’ birth was a supernatural one. He was born out of the ordinary. This shows us that when God does something here on earth, it is always supernatural and out of the ordinary. So we can expect God to do NEW THINGS, in NEW WAYS, with NEW VESSELS or PEOPLE that we never thought of. So expect the unexpected this Christmas.
Secondly, God will reveal His plans to people according to His will and when He does, the only response He expects is WORSHIP. The shepherds left their flock to worship Him. The Magi went through great lengths to find Him. Both brought gifts according to their means or what they could afford to give Jesus. So does Jesus expect more from us than what we can afford? No, He only wants us to give Him what we have and bring it to Him with a heart of worship.
Thirdly, even King Herod with all his earthly power and authority is no match for our God because God turned the hearts of the Magi to obey Him alone. So no matter what position a man holds or what authority he has over others, he can never stop the plan of God for us. We need to fear and obey God alone and not man. Our duty is to worship God alone and not man.
How do we express our worship and what presents do we give to Jesus this Christmas?
In fact, how are we to give our presents to Jesus?
Matthew 25 : 34 – 40
"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' "
The above passage from the Bible, tells us how we are to give our presents to Jesus and to whom Jesus says are His representatives to receive presents on His behalf. So this Christmas, let us all pray and ask Jesus to open our eyes and help us to see those whom He would really want us to give to. Let’s take a closer look at who Jesus said would represent Him to receive our gifts.
Can we identify some of these people in our midst this Christmas?
1. The hungry for both the physical and spiritual food.
2. The thirsty for both the physical and spiritual refreshing.
3. The stranger who has no home, family and friends.
4. The poor who need clothes to keep warm.
5. The sick and those needing care.
6. The prisoner or the lonely who needs visitation.
7. The widows and the orphans.
Let’s be wise and bring our presents to Jesus by giving to the right people whom Jesus would identify with. This Christmas, let’s make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate around us. It will be a great present for Jesus.
God Bless and Have a Very Blessed Christmas!
Luke 2 : 1- 7 - The Birth of Jesus
"In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."
The Bible also records 2 groups of people who came to visit Jesus to celebrate His birthday.
1. Luke 2: 8-20 - The Shepherds and the Angels
"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
2. Matthew 2 : 1-12 - The Visit of the Magi
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: " 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'"
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him."
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route."
What can we learn from the Christmas Story?
Firstly, Jesus’ birth was a supernatural one. He was born out of the ordinary. This shows us that when God does something here on earth, it is always supernatural and out of the ordinary. So we can expect God to do NEW THINGS, in NEW WAYS, with NEW VESSELS or PEOPLE that we never thought of. So expect the unexpected this Christmas.
Secondly, God will reveal His plans to people according to His will and when He does, the only response He expects is WORSHIP. The shepherds left their flock to worship Him. The Magi went through great lengths to find Him. Both brought gifts according to their means or what they could afford to give Jesus. So does Jesus expect more from us than what we can afford? No, He only wants us to give Him what we have and bring it to Him with a heart of worship.
Thirdly, even King Herod with all his earthly power and authority is no match for our God because God turned the hearts of the Magi to obey Him alone. So no matter what position a man holds or what authority he has over others, he can never stop the plan of God for us. We need to fear and obey God alone and not man. Our duty is to worship God alone and not man.
How do we express our worship and what presents do we give to Jesus this Christmas?
In fact, how are we to give our presents to Jesus?
Matthew 25 : 34 – 40
"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' "
The above passage from the Bible, tells us how we are to give our presents to Jesus and to whom Jesus says are His representatives to receive presents on His behalf. So this Christmas, let us all pray and ask Jesus to open our eyes and help us to see those whom He would really want us to give to. Let’s take a closer look at who Jesus said would represent Him to receive our gifts.
Can we identify some of these people in our midst this Christmas?
1. The hungry for both the physical and spiritual food.
2. The thirsty for both the physical and spiritual refreshing.
3. The stranger who has no home, family and friends.
4. The poor who need clothes to keep warm.
5. The sick and those needing care.
6. The prisoner or the lonely who needs visitation.
7. The widows and the orphans.
Let’s be wise and bring our presents to Jesus by giving to the right people whom Jesus would identify with. This Christmas, let’s make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate around us. It will be a great present for Jesus.
God Bless and Have a Very Blessed Christmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Who Should Christians Give To In Times Like This?
Last Sunday, our Board of Deacons (BOD) chose to continue with the yearly tradition of asking worshippers in Calvary Church to give an APPRECIATION GIFT FOR OUR CHURCH PASTORS for this Christmas season.
Christmas is a season to celebrate the BIRTH OF CHRIST or JESUS' BIRTHDAY. When we say we are celebrating Jesus' Birthday, do we bring a gift for the birthday boy or do we bring a gift for the birthday boy's servants?
This collection for the Pastors was in place of the regular Sunday offertory. By taking advantage of the Christmas season to collect an appreciation gift for the pastors, have we not ROBBED JESUS OF HIS BIRTHDAY GIFT? Or ROBBED the Church of her regular Sunday collections?
One may argue that this is the usual tradition in Calvary Church to collect an appreciation gift for our pastors. However, the BOD should be sensitive to the many financial issues that shrouds the church TODAY. Members are already questioning the BOD in arbitrary decision-making where finances are concerned including unauthorised transfer of funds without members' knowledge and making generous monetary gifts to certain invited pastors without proper due consideration. The BOD has displayed poor financial stewardship and total lack of transparency. Now, in taking up an appreciation gift last Sunday, they have obviously not taken to heart the concerns of church members to the wise use and prudence in managing church funds.
With the fears and uncertainty surrounding our abandoned CCC project and the possible financial disaster looming ahead, the members are unhappy, to put it mildly. Amidst the turmoil and crisis that Calvary Church is in today, we would have thought that our BOD would have been wiser and would have asked themselves, "WOULD A COLLECTION LIKE THIS HELP TO BRING ABOUT HEALING AND RECONCILIATION IN OUR CHURCH?"
While we pondered on this, we remembered an OPEN EMAIL written by a church member addressed to the BOD, which was sent to us last year. We hope that this letter will remind us to be wise with the blessings that God has blessed us with.
On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 1:11 AM, a member wrote this Open Email to the BOD:-
The Board of Deacons,
Calvary Church
2 Damansara Endah
Damansara Endah, KL
Dear Board of Deacons,
Re : Christmas Offering for Calvary Church Pastors.
The offering taken at the Worship Service on 02 November 08 for pastors and church workers serving in the missions field is commendable. These Servants of God truly deserved to be appreciated and encouraged with a love gift during Christmas time. We are like wise encouraged by their faithfullness and how they do live by Faith and not by sight in their labour of love for God's work on earth-- the Great Commission.
However, I would like the BOD to review the annual practice of collecting money for Calvary's Pastors as a Christmas -year end gift. The Congregation has been giving generously over the decades thinking, I believe like I did, that this monetary gift was like a annual 'bonus'. However, little did we know, that *everyone of them enjoyed a 13th month pay, which in the private sector is as good as a bonus. (By the way, did the BOD approved of 13th month pay? Is this Contractual?)* perhaps, except the general staff, and some others. Does the BOD know?
Although there is no transparency in the financial management of the church, and non- disclosure of salary scale (even though I had personally asked that it be disclosed during past AGM, of course noted but never ever acted by the BOD) it has been widely known that the salary drawn are very high in particular Sr Pastors. In addition to the high pay, most, including Head of Department enjoy many other perks & benefits too.
The Stipends/EPF/Socso of the Church in 2007 is close to a whooping RM3,000,000 (MILLION) excluding those of the Extended Ministries, which amounted to another RM 500,000 (Approx)
It is very sad to see how these 'leaders' who have already so much still find it appropriate to ask some more from the Congregation. (of course, it is now very difficult to distinguish if's actually the BOD, the CEO of the church, or both, who are outright insensitive to the needs of members. Frankly, many members are themselves financially stretched. And what with the global Financial Crisis to contend with. Under such circumstances It is not unexpected of any caring & loving pastor who heads a church, to show deep concern over the well being of the members in such trying times. On the contrary, we see not only NO sacrifices made, but even there is no let up in their grand lifestyle.
On this point about 'sacrifices' when will the CEO lead by example? Even deacon Patrick who had said secular good practice are adopted by the church, why then measures such as taking a salary cut, cutting wasteful expenses like business class/1st class travel, 5 Star accommodation, housing/car allowances etc, are not activated? Please take a look at how responsible and compassionate, albeit not too many, Government Leaders and Corporate Heads respond--they give rather than receive!
May the BOD see it fit to do the right thing, by not "taxing" (which is the case, honestly) the congregation further with the year end $$$ collection for those who are already more than well-off.
The BOD, however, can rest assured the members will know in their spirit, who God wants them to bless, and surely they will give generously, directly to those true servant & workers who have need, as God enables.
In the meantime, It is imperative that the BOD carry out a comprehensive review of the church's Stipends, Perks & benefits and immediately put a stop to reckless/unjustified spending. The BOD has been entrusted with the role & responsibilites for the finances of the church and thus, must be seen to act with accountablity to GOD, and the congregation whom they represent.
In God We trust,
Christmas is a season to celebrate the BIRTH OF CHRIST or JESUS' BIRTHDAY. When we say we are celebrating Jesus' Birthday, do we bring a gift for the birthday boy or do we bring a gift for the birthday boy's servants?
This collection for the Pastors was in place of the regular Sunday offertory. By taking advantage of the Christmas season to collect an appreciation gift for the pastors, have we not ROBBED JESUS OF HIS BIRTHDAY GIFT? Or ROBBED the Church of her regular Sunday collections?
One may argue that this is the usual tradition in Calvary Church to collect an appreciation gift for our pastors. However, the BOD should be sensitive to the many financial issues that shrouds the church TODAY. Members are already questioning the BOD in arbitrary decision-making where finances are concerned including unauthorised transfer of funds without members' knowledge and making generous monetary gifts to certain invited pastors without proper due consideration. The BOD has displayed poor financial stewardship and total lack of transparency. Now, in taking up an appreciation gift last Sunday, they have obviously not taken to heart the concerns of church members to the wise use and prudence in managing church funds.
With the fears and uncertainty surrounding our abandoned CCC project and the possible financial disaster looming ahead, the members are unhappy, to put it mildly. Amidst the turmoil and crisis that Calvary Church is in today, we would have thought that our BOD would have been wiser and would have asked themselves, "WOULD A COLLECTION LIKE THIS HELP TO BRING ABOUT HEALING AND RECONCILIATION IN OUR CHURCH?"
While we pondered on this, we remembered an OPEN EMAIL written by a church member addressed to the BOD, which was sent to us last year. We hope that this letter will remind us to be wise with the blessings that God has blessed us with.
On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 1:11 AM, a member wrote this Open Email to the BOD:-
The Board of Deacons,
Calvary Church
2 Damansara Endah
Damansara Endah, KL
Dear Board of Deacons,
Re : Christmas Offering for Calvary Church Pastors.
The offering taken at the Worship Service on 02 November 08 for pastors and church workers serving in the missions field is commendable. These Servants of God truly deserved to be appreciated and encouraged with a love gift during Christmas time. We are like wise encouraged by their faithfullness and how they do live by Faith and not by sight in their labour of love for God's work on earth-- the Great Commission.
However, I would like the BOD to review the annual practice of collecting money for Calvary's Pastors as a Christmas -year end gift. The Congregation has been giving generously over the decades thinking, I believe like I did, that this monetary gift was like a annual 'bonus'. However, little did we know, that *everyone of them enjoyed a 13th month pay, which in the private sector is as good as a bonus. (By the way, did the BOD approved of 13th month pay? Is this Contractual?)* perhaps, except the general staff, and some others. Does the BOD know?
Although there is no transparency in the financial management of the church, and non- disclosure of salary scale (even though I had personally asked that it be disclosed during past AGM, of course noted but never ever acted by the BOD) it has been widely known that the salary drawn are very high in particular Sr Pastors. In addition to the high pay, most, including Head of Department enjoy many other perks & benefits too.
The Stipends/EPF/Socso of the Church in 2007 is close to a whooping RM3,000,000 (MILLION) excluding those of the Extended Ministries, which amounted to another RM 500,000 (Approx)
It is very sad to see how these 'leaders' who have already so much still find it appropriate to ask some more from the Congregation. (of course, it is now very difficult to distinguish if's actually the BOD, the CEO of the church, or both, who are outright insensitive to the needs of members. Frankly, many members are themselves financially stretched. And what with the global Financial Crisis to contend with. Under such circumstances It is not unexpected of any caring & loving pastor who heads a church, to show deep concern over the well being of the members in such trying times. On the contrary, we see not only NO sacrifices made, but even there is no let up in their grand lifestyle.
On this point about 'sacrifices' when will the CEO lead by example? Even deacon Patrick who had said secular good practice are adopted by the church, why then measures such as taking a salary cut, cutting wasteful expenses like business class/1st class travel, 5 Star accommodation, housing/car allowances etc, are not activated? Please take a look at how responsible and compassionate, albeit not too many, Government Leaders and Corporate Heads respond--they give rather than receive!
May the BOD see it fit to do the right thing, by not "taxing" (which is the case, honestly) the congregation further with the year end $$$ collection for those who are already more than well-off.
The BOD, however, can rest assured the members will know in their spirit, who God wants them to bless, and surely they will give generously, directly to those true servant & workers who have need, as God enables.
In the meantime, It is imperative that the BOD carry out a comprehensive review of the church's Stipends, Perks & benefits and immediately put a stop to reckless/unjustified spending. The BOD has been entrusted with the role & responsibilites for the finances of the church and thus, must be seen to act with accountablity to GOD, and the congregation whom they represent.
In God We trust,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Legal Action to seek fresh EGM
Last Sunday, the Deacons made an announcement in all the Church services regarding a legal suit taken by seven (7) members against the Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam (PG), the members of the previous Board of Deacons (BOD) and the Assemblies of God (AOG) Malaysia. The Deacons also announced that the Church has engaged lawyer KK Wong’s firm to represent PG and the previous BOD who are named as Defendants.
The announcement caught many by surprise and caused much confusion among the members and worshippers including PG supporters and TTG supporters.
Having obtained all the facts of the matter, CT now wishes to report as follows:
1. An Originating Summons (OS) was filed on 12 November at the High Court of Kuala Lumpur by seven (7) concerned members, namely Wong Hong Meng, Robert Ng, Teng Luen Foong, Lim Siew Chyuan, KC Lim, Liza Low and Joseph Gerard (Plaintiffs).
2. The OS filed by the Plaintiffs was a class action representing a class of members of Calvary Church. CT understands that a big group of members has recently signed the authorization and support for this cause of action to be taken.
3. The defendants named in the OS are PG, Deacons Phillip Tan, Edward Rajasingam, Patrick Wong, Han Joke Kwang, Stephen Liu and Bernadette Foo, and the AOG Malaysia (Defendants).
4. The OS is filed against the abovenamed Defendants and NOT against Calvary Church. This is also in line with what lawyer KK Wong had said at our 15 August 2008, EGM last year that the Church, being an unincorporated entity, cannot sue or be sued but the Pastors and Deacons can sue or be sued in their personal capacity.
5. The OS does not seek any monetary compensation or damages from the Defendants or the Church.
6. The purpose of the OS is to seek the Court’s ruling for the following:-
i. that the AGM held on 19th and 20th June 2009 be declared null and void;
ii. that the committee members appointed during the AGM held on 19th and 20th June.2009 be annulled and be declared void;
iii. that the Defendants convene an EGM within 30days from the date of the Court Order for the tabling of the resolutions which had been submitted by the Plaintiffs;
iv. that the removal of Dr. Lum Siew Heng as a member of Calvary Church on 20th March 2009 be annulled and to be declared void.
7. The OS has since been extracted from Court and served on all the Defendants personally with the exception of two ex-Deacons, who have been served by way of registered Postlaju, when efforts to effect personally service on them were unsuccessful.
8. The OS has been fixed for mention in Court on 17th December 2009.
The seven (7) plaintiffs have informed CT that they had earlier planned to hold a press conference to make public this legal action. However, after taking into consideration that this course of action was NOT against the Church but rather, it was an action to seek a higher authority’s interpretation of our Church Constitution, the Plaintiffs decided to keep a low lid on this matter.
As the members are fully aware, our BOD had, time and again, in the past, interpreted various sections of our Constitution, according to their whims and fancies, thereby denying the members their very basic fundamental right to have their say and ignoring the spirit behind the original intention of the Constitution. The Constitution is very clear that the members at a General Meeting have full powers of administration but as can be seen at the last AGM, the members' powers under the Constitution have been totally obliterated.
The action to seek legal redress by the group of concerned members was not unexpected, considering the fact that they have exhausted every possible means of resolving the many issues engulfing Calvary Church. From attempts at direct consultations with PG, the Deacons and also the Pastors right from the onset 2 years ago, up to seeking the intervention of the AOG Malaysia, all their efforts have failed. Even the recent mediation efforts by a high profile businessman-member together with the General Superintendent of AOG Malaysia (in his personal capacity) failed as PG backed out after agreeing to the date fixed for the meeting.
As the supreme overseeing body in Malaysia, the AOG council has failed miserably in this whole episode. In replies to letters from members seeking their intervention, they have admitted that some funds were transferred from WAGRA to CIM (personal ministry of PG) and they have also admitted that there was misrepresentation in the original registration of CIM with NECF but, sadly, no action has been taken against PG. Like Pilate during Jesus’ trial, the AOG Malaysia has replied that the current saga is an internal matter for the Calvary Church to resolve and they will not intervene.
If the AOG Malaysia as the ultimate governing body, refuses to intervene, can anyone fault the concerned members to look to the judicial system of the country to hear their plea?
The Bible is clear that as Christians, we are to obey and submit to the laws of the land. That was what Paul did when he submitted himself to the Roman law during his last days. And that is exactly what the concerned members have now done.
As mentioned earlier, the Church has appointed lawyer KK Wong's firm to represent and defend PG and the previous BOD in this matter. Since it is clear that the legal action taken by the Plantiffs is against PG and the previous BOD personally, CT hopes that PG and the current BOD will not commit further wrong by using Church funds to pay KK Wong's firm.
The announcement caught many by surprise and caused much confusion among the members and worshippers including PG supporters and TTG supporters.
Having obtained all the facts of the matter, CT now wishes to report as follows:
1. An Originating Summons (OS) was filed on 12 November at the High Court of Kuala Lumpur by seven (7) concerned members, namely Wong Hong Meng, Robert Ng, Teng Luen Foong, Lim Siew Chyuan, KC Lim, Liza Low and Joseph Gerard (Plaintiffs).
2. The OS filed by the Plaintiffs was a class action representing a class of members of Calvary Church. CT understands that a big group of members has recently signed the authorization and support for this cause of action to be taken.
3. The defendants named in the OS are PG, Deacons Phillip Tan, Edward Rajasingam, Patrick Wong, Han Joke Kwang, Stephen Liu and Bernadette Foo, and the AOG Malaysia (Defendants).
4. The OS is filed against the abovenamed Defendants and NOT against Calvary Church. This is also in line with what lawyer KK Wong had said at our 15 August 2008, EGM last year that the Church, being an unincorporated entity, cannot sue or be sued but the Pastors and Deacons can sue or be sued in their personal capacity.
5. The OS does not seek any monetary compensation or damages from the Defendants or the Church.
6. The purpose of the OS is to seek the Court’s ruling for the following:-
i. that the AGM held on 19th and 20th June 2009 be declared null and void;
ii. that the committee members appointed during the AGM held on 19th and 20th June.2009 be annulled and be declared void;
iii. that the Defendants convene an EGM within 30days from the date of the Court Order for the tabling of the resolutions which had been submitted by the Plaintiffs;
iv. that the removal of Dr. Lum Siew Heng as a member of Calvary Church on 20th March 2009 be annulled and to be declared void.
7. The OS has since been extracted from Court and served on all the Defendants personally with the exception of two ex-Deacons, who have been served by way of registered Postlaju, when efforts to effect personally service on them were unsuccessful.
8. The OS has been fixed for mention in Court on 17th December 2009.
The seven (7) plaintiffs have informed CT that they had earlier planned to hold a press conference to make public this legal action. However, after taking into consideration that this course of action was NOT against the Church but rather, it was an action to seek a higher authority’s interpretation of our Church Constitution, the Plaintiffs decided to keep a low lid on this matter.
As the members are fully aware, our BOD had, time and again, in the past, interpreted various sections of our Constitution, according to their whims and fancies, thereby denying the members their very basic fundamental right to have their say and ignoring the spirit behind the original intention of the Constitution. The Constitution is very clear that the members at a General Meeting have full powers of administration but as can be seen at the last AGM, the members' powers under the Constitution have been totally obliterated.
The action to seek legal redress by the group of concerned members was not unexpected, considering the fact that they have exhausted every possible means of resolving the many issues engulfing Calvary Church. From attempts at direct consultations with PG, the Deacons and also the Pastors right from the onset 2 years ago, up to seeking the intervention of the AOG Malaysia, all their efforts have failed. Even the recent mediation efforts by a high profile businessman-member together with the General Superintendent of AOG Malaysia (in his personal capacity) failed as PG backed out after agreeing to the date fixed for the meeting.
As the supreme overseeing body in Malaysia, the AOG council has failed miserably in this whole episode. In replies to letters from members seeking their intervention, they have admitted that some funds were transferred from WAGRA to CIM (personal ministry of PG) and they have also admitted that there was misrepresentation in the original registration of CIM with NECF but, sadly, no action has been taken against PG. Like Pilate during Jesus’ trial, the AOG Malaysia has replied that the current saga is an internal matter for the Calvary Church to resolve and they will not intervene.
If the AOG Malaysia as the ultimate governing body, refuses to intervene, can anyone fault the concerned members to look to the judicial system of the country to hear their plea?
The Bible is clear that as Christians, we are to obey and submit to the laws of the land. That was what Paul did when he submitted himself to the Roman law during his last days. And that is exactly what the concerned members have now done.
As mentioned earlier, the Church has appointed lawyer KK Wong's firm to represent and defend PG and the previous BOD in this matter. Since it is clear that the legal action taken by the Plantiffs is against PG and the previous BOD personally, CT hopes that PG and the current BOD will not commit further wrong by using Church funds to pay KK Wong's firm.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Associate Pastors Join Hoodwink Game
In a latest development highlighted by a CT reader, Calvary Church's Associate Pastors, namely Pas Steven Kum (SK) and Pas Peter Ong (PO) has join in the hoodwinking game.
In an effort to restore Calvary's brand image, SK and PO have turned to an online marketing and public relations website to publicize their strategy to counter the adverse publicity generated by the recent expose in The Star newspaper on the crisis in our Church.
In an article entitled "Calvary calm on convention centre crisis" , the writer, Deborah Peter talks of Calvary's strategy to "not react strongly to recent allegations in the press about mismanagement of funds".
The article quoted Karthi Palanisamy, managing director of Crush Communications who said,
"Keeping quiet is a wise approach since the focus should be completely on the establishment's members [donors/contributors], solely to whom Calvary is accountable instead of the general public."
Mr Karthi Palanisamy was probably ignorant of the fact that Calvary Church has also received lots of funds from the general public in fund-raising events organised for the CCC project such as carnivals, golf and bowling tournaments, conserts, art auctions placed in a shopping complex and "Buy a brick" campaign as well as collections of donations from the public at Christmas and Easter shows at the stadiums.
CT is of the opinion that in a situation where contributions and donations from the general public have been solicited, the Church must be accountable to the public as well, not just the members.
Here are some statements and claims made in the article by our Associate Pastors :-
1. "Steven Kum, associate pastor of Calvary tells A+M this is the right strategy to pursue in order to restore the brand's image."
(CT never knew that our dear pastors regard "Calvary" as a brand. How snobbish have they become!)
2. "Calvary has not held back money in terms of CCC's building expenses. Also, Calvaryland, our large welfare home ministers to over 20 inmates, not 4," Kum said.
(CT is surprised that the number of inmates has suddenly jumped from 4 to 20. If the 20 are real inmates and not counting the care-givers, cook, gardener, security guards, the home staff and the Church ministerial staff, then it is good. Of course, there's still a lot more work to be done to justify the millions spent on the home.)
3. "Peter Ong, a fellow associate pastor confirmed the Calvary Convention Center (CCC) project has not been abandoned, instead has been temporarily put on hold."
(What cheek! Just a couple of weeks ago, the Church announced over the pulpit that they have served a notice of default and non-completion to the main contractor. Now, PO says the project has been temporarily put on hold. Isn't this called a lie?)
4. "Calvary Church under the leadership of Rev. Datuk Prince Guneratnam has a congregation of 3000 to 3500 (comprising 4 locations) and was established in 1968."
(CT is of the opinion that the pastors should be honest and upfront about the actual numbers of worshippers. At its peak, perhaps our Church had up to 3,500 including babies and toddlers but this is Not the situation now. At most, CT reckons the present number is about 2,500.)
Click here to read full article: Calvary calm on convention centre crisis
This is the statement that PG, BOD and Associate Pastors have constantly used to defend their actions, "Calvary believes situations arising within the church should be handled internally as opposed to having dirty laundry aired publicly."
CT has posted a research article in Berita Calvary which explains why the article in The Star newspaper, cannot tarnish our God's name in Malaysia. It may have rocked the image of Calvary Church KL and our Pastors and Deacons but God's image is unshakable.
Click here to read, "Crisis can Rock CC but cannot Rock God"
The "misleading" article is probably another PR and face-saving exercise, organised by our PG and Deacons.
In an effort to restore Calvary's brand image, SK and PO have turned to an online marketing and public relations website to publicize their strategy to counter the adverse publicity generated by the recent expose in The Star newspaper on the crisis in our Church.
In an article entitled "Calvary calm on convention centre crisis" , the writer, Deborah Peter talks of Calvary's strategy to "not react strongly to recent allegations in the press about mismanagement of funds".
The article quoted Karthi Palanisamy, managing director of Crush Communications who said,
"Keeping quiet is a wise approach since the focus should be completely on the establishment's members [donors/contributors], solely to whom Calvary is accountable instead of the general public."
Mr Karthi Palanisamy was probably ignorant of the fact that Calvary Church has also received lots of funds from the general public in fund-raising events organised for the CCC project such as carnivals, golf and bowling tournaments, conserts, art auctions placed in a shopping complex and "Buy a brick" campaign as well as collections of donations from the public at Christmas and Easter shows at the stadiums.
CT is of the opinion that in a situation where contributions and donations from the general public have been solicited, the Church must be accountable to the public as well, not just the members.
Here are some statements and claims made in the article by our Associate Pastors :-
1. "Steven Kum, associate pastor of Calvary tells A+M this is the right strategy to pursue in order to restore the brand's image."
(CT never knew that our dear pastors regard "Calvary" as a brand. How snobbish have they become!)
2. "Calvary has not held back money in terms of CCC's building expenses. Also, Calvaryland, our large welfare home ministers to over 20 inmates, not 4," Kum said.
(CT is surprised that the number of inmates has suddenly jumped from 4 to 20. If the 20 are real inmates and not counting the care-givers, cook, gardener, security guards, the home staff and the Church ministerial staff, then it is good. Of course, there's still a lot more work to be done to justify the millions spent on the home.)
3. "Peter Ong, a fellow associate pastor confirmed the Calvary Convention Center (CCC) project has not been abandoned, instead has been temporarily put on hold."
(What cheek! Just a couple of weeks ago, the Church announced over the pulpit that they have served a notice of default and non-completion to the main contractor. Now, PO says the project has been temporarily put on hold. Isn't this called a lie?)
4. "Calvary Church under the leadership of Rev. Datuk Prince Guneratnam has a congregation of 3000 to 3500 (comprising 4 locations) and was established in 1968."
(CT is of the opinion that the pastors should be honest and upfront about the actual numbers of worshippers. At its peak, perhaps our Church had up to 3,500 including babies and toddlers but this is Not the situation now. At most, CT reckons the present number is about 2,500.)
Click here to read full article: Calvary calm on convention centre crisis
This is the statement that PG, BOD and Associate Pastors have constantly used to defend their actions, "Calvary believes situations arising within the church should be handled internally as opposed to having dirty laundry aired publicly."
CT has posted a research article in Berita Calvary which explains why the article in The Star newspaper, cannot tarnish our God's name in Malaysia. It may have rocked the image of Calvary Church KL and our Pastors and Deacons but God's image is unshakable.
Click here to read, "Crisis can Rock CC but cannot Rock God"
The "misleading" article is probably another PR and face-saving exercise, organised by our PG and Deacons.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
PG And DEACONS Continue To Hoodwink
One would have thought that after a major expose on the Calvary saga in a national newspaper (read, our dear pastors and Board of Deacons (BOD) will get their act together and seek to resolve all the issues facing our Church.
Unfortunately our dear Deacons and Pastors (and PG) are not ordinary God-fearing people. They have proven, once again to be man-fearing people.
In an immediate response to the report in the The Star on 18 November 2009, the Deacons and Pastors issued an announcement through the pulpit on 22 November 2009 as well as through the Church website to reaffirm their confidence in PG and his wife and deny all the "allegations" stated in the newspaper report.
This is an excerpt from the Church website announcement:
"Many of you may have read the article published in Metro section of the Star dated November 18, 2009 titled “Crisis rocks Calvary Church”. We understand that you may be disturbed by the allegations in the article.
These allegations were presented by the Board of Deacons and deliberated at length by the members of Calvary Church at the EGMs on 15 August, 2008 and 4 April, 2009 and AGM on 19 June, 2009. The allegations were investigated thoroughly by the Church’s internal auditors, a renowned firm of Investigative Accountants and a firm of Advocates and Solicitors specializing in criminal practice. These allegations were found to be baseless………..
……..The Deacons and Pastors reaffirm our confidence in Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam and his leadership. We believe that the Lord will continue to use him and Sister Petrina to enable God’s will and plan for Calvary Church to be fulfilled.
Let us as a church receive the exhortation in Hebrews 10:36 “to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” Also, let us continue to love and support one another as we stay focused and faithful, praying for our Senior Pastor, Pastors, Deacons and their families for God’s protection, strength and wisdom as they lead and guide the Church.”
It is typical of PG and his deacons to use the word “allegations” to continue to hoodwink the members. What the newspaper has reported are FACTS and not allegations.
IT IS A FACT that RM1.9million was transferred from the Church Missions Fund to CIM without members’ knowledge!
Lawyer KK Wong and Edward Rajasingam (Church Deacon and Treasurer) confirmed this at the EGM held on 15 August 2008. Although KK Wong stated that since the transfers were approved (by ratification) by the BOD and therefore, there were no CBT involved, he later, during question time, qualified his opinion by saying that if we were to give the same set of documents to other lawyers, we would get all different opinions. In answer to a question, he also stated that he has no way of confirming if the documents and minutes given to him by the BOD are genuine.
Another thing to note is that KK Wong made his presentation at the EGM in his personal capacity. He did not represent his firm and therefore, the announcement by the BOD is MISLEADING!
Edward confirmed that the funds were transferred over several years to CIM and the BOD’s approval was obtained (ratified) only after each transfer was done.
Listen to both KK Wong and Edward’s statements by clicking on the audio clips below.
Clip #1 : Lawyer's statements
Clip #2 : Treasurer's Statements
#1. IT IS A FACT that a gift of US$10,000 was given to Dr Guynes!
#2. IT IS A FACT that the Church paid for the overseas airfare of PG’s grandchild!
#3. IT IS A FACT that the Church gave a scholarship to PG’s children to study in USA!
#4. IT IS A FACT that the Church paid RM40,000 medical fees for PG’s grandchild!
#5. IT IS A FACT that PG’s gym membership was paid for by the Church!
#6. IT IS A FACT that PG has never declared the love offerings he has received!
#7. IT IS A FACT that our Ampang Outreach Pastor was paid a mere RM250 a month previously!
#8. IT IS A FACT that the love offering collected for Pas Phil was not given to him!
(Read Pas Phil’s story at
#9. IT IS A FACT that PG appraises his own children and the BOD does not know their increments!
#10. IT IS A FACT that there is poor financial management!
#11. IT IS A FACT that there is a lack of transparency!
#12. IT IS A FACT that Dr Lum was sacked for speaking out!
#13. IT IS A FACT that the CCC’s building cost has ballooned from RM50m to RM150m!
#14. IT IS A FACT that the CCC construction commenced without sufficient funds in hand!
#15. IT IS A FACT that Calvaryland was built to house 200 orphans and homeless but today has only 4 residents, at the last count!
The first 9 facts listed above which were published in the newspaper report were taken verbatim from the Church’s Annual Report 2009. All the 9 items were also investigated by our Internal Auditors and presented to the members at an EGM held on 4 April 2009. ALL the 9 “ allegations” were proven by the Internal Auditors to be TRUE! These were actual transactions and incidences which took place according to accounting records and witnesses which neither PG nor the BOD could deny. Therefore, these items cannot be deemed as "allegations", much as PG and the BOD want all to believe. They even took great pains to ensure that PG's name is not mentioned in the EGM minutes pertaining to this Internal Auditors' presentation. If you have a copy of Calvary Church's 2009 Annual Report, take a look at the EGM minutes and you will see how ridiculous the EGM minutes have appeared. While at it, also take a look at the minutes on lawyer KK Wong's presentation. If you had attended the EGM, you will notice a number of statements in the minutes alluded to KK Wong which he DID NOT say at all. That is creative minuting by PG and the BOD.
Listen to the Internal Auditors’ presentation by clicking on the audio clips below.
Clip #3 : Church Auditors' Statements
The renowned firm of Investigative Accountants which the BOD referred to in their announcement was Ferrier Hodgson. The firm was asked by the BOD to look into the accounts of CIM but this is barking at the wrong tree. They should have been asked to investigate the accounts of the Church because that was where the funds were being channelled from. Therefore, their findings that the accounts of CIM are in order is totally irrelevant.
The BOD knows this and the purpose of their mentioning the appointment of "a renowned firm of Investigative Accountants and a firm of Advocates and Solicitors specializing in criminal practice" in the announcement is merely to hoodwink the church members and the public.
Clip #4 : Forensic Accountant's Statements
The Church website statement also says, "These allegations were presented by the Board of Deacons and deliberated at length by the members of Calvary Church at the EGMs on 15 August, 2008 and 4 April, 2009 and AGM on 19 June, 2009." Listen to Clip 5 to see if this is a true statement. All the AGMs or EGMs so far have always been conducted according to PG's autocratic style. Members' grouses or criticism are always brushed aside, other times promises are made by PG to pacify the members but never intended to be fulfilled. There has not been a single occasion whereby the members' views have been considered as worth listening to, unless the views are in support of PG. It is shocking that one of PG's supporters (Lawyer David Peters) considers fellow church members' request to solve church issues at a General Meeting as HIJACKING THE AGENDA. However, PG & BOD's unscheduled introduction of the church auditors to present their findings without prior notice to members is deemed legitimate.
Clip 5 : "Deliberation" between PG & Members
Unfortunately our dear Deacons and Pastors (and PG) are not ordinary God-fearing people. They have proven, once again to be man-fearing people.
In an immediate response to the report in the The Star on 18 November 2009, the Deacons and Pastors issued an announcement through the pulpit on 22 November 2009 as well as through the Church website to reaffirm their confidence in PG and his wife and deny all the "allegations" stated in the newspaper report.
This is an excerpt from the Church website announcement:
"Many of you may have read the article published in Metro section of the Star dated November 18, 2009 titled “Crisis rocks Calvary Church”. We understand that you may be disturbed by the allegations in the article.
These allegations were presented by the Board of Deacons and deliberated at length by the members of Calvary Church at the EGMs on 15 August, 2008 and 4 April, 2009 and AGM on 19 June, 2009. The allegations were investigated thoroughly by the Church’s internal auditors, a renowned firm of Investigative Accountants and a firm of Advocates and Solicitors specializing in criminal practice. These allegations were found to be baseless………..
……..The Deacons and Pastors reaffirm our confidence in Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam and his leadership. We believe that the Lord will continue to use him and Sister Petrina to enable God’s will and plan for Calvary Church to be fulfilled.
Let us as a church receive the exhortation in Hebrews 10:36 “to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” Also, let us continue to love and support one another as we stay focused and faithful, praying for our Senior Pastor, Pastors, Deacons and their families for God’s protection, strength and wisdom as they lead and guide the Church.”
It is typical of PG and his deacons to use the word “allegations” to continue to hoodwink the members. What the newspaper has reported are FACTS and not allegations.
IT IS A FACT that RM1.9million was transferred from the Church Missions Fund to CIM without members’ knowledge!
Lawyer KK Wong and Edward Rajasingam (Church Deacon and Treasurer) confirmed this at the EGM held on 15 August 2008. Although KK Wong stated that since the transfers were approved (by ratification) by the BOD and therefore, there were no CBT involved, he later, during question time, qualified his opinion by saying that if we were to give the same set of documents to other lawyers, we would get all different opinions. In answer to a question, he also stated that he has no way of confirming if the documents and minutes given to him by the BOD are genuine.
Another thing to note is that KK Wong made his presentation at the EGM in his personal capacity. He did not represent his firm and therefore, the announcement by the BOD is MISLEADING!
Edward confirmed that the funds were transferred over several years to CIM and the BOD’s approval was obtained (ratified) only after each transfer was done.
Listen to both KK Wong and Edward’s statements by clicking on the audio clips below.
Clip #1 : Lawyer's statements
Clip #2 : Treasurer's Statements
#1. IT IS A FACT that a gift of US$10,000 was given to Dr Guynes!
#2. IT IS A FACT that the Church paid for the overseas airfare of PG’s grandchild!
#3. IT IS A FACT that the Church gave a scholarship to PG’s children to study in USA!
#4. IT IS A FACT that the Church paid RM40,000 medical fees for PG’s grandchild!
#5. IT IS A FACT that PG’s gym membership was paid for by the Church!
#6. IT IS A FACT that PG has never declared the love offerings he has received!
#7. IT IS A FACT that our Ampang Outreach Pastor was paid a mere RM250 a month previously!
#8. IT IS A FACT that the love offering collected for Pas Phil was not given to him!
(Read Pas Phil’s story at
#9. IT IS A FACT that PG appraises his own children and the BOD does not know their increments!
#10. IT IS A FACT that there is poor financial management!
#11. IT IS A FACT that there is a lack of transparency!
#12. IT IS A FACT that Dr Lum was sacked for speaking out!
#13. IT IS A FACT that the CCC’s building cost has ballooned from RM50m to RM150m!
#14. IT IS A FACT that the CCC construction commenced without sufficient funds in hand!
#15. IT IS A FACT that Calvaryland was built to house 200 orphans and homeless but today has only 4 residents, at the last count!
The first 9 facts listed above which were published in the newspaper report were taken verbatim from the Church’s Annual Report 2009. All the 9 items were also investigated by our Internal Auditors and presented to the members at an EGM held on 4 April 2009. ALL the 9 “ allegations” were proven by the Internal Auditors to be TRUE! These were actual transactions and incidences which took place according to accounting records and witnesses which neither PG nor the BOD could deny. Therefore, these items cannot be deemed as "allegations", much as PG and the BOD want all to believe. They even took great pains to ensure that PG's name is not mentioned in the EGM minutes pertaining to this Internal Auditors' presentation. If you have a copy of Calvary Church's 2009 Annual Report, take a look at the EGM minutes and you will see how ridiculous the EGM minutes have appeared. While at it, also take a look at the minutes on lawyer KK Wong's presentation. If you had attended the EGM, you will notice a number of statements in the minutes alluded to KK Wong which he DID NOT say at all. That is creative minuting by PG and the BOD.
Listen to the Internal Auditors’ presentation by clicking on the audio clips below.
Clip #3 : Church Auditors' Statements
The renowned firm of Investigative Accountants which the BOD referred to in their announcement was Ferrier Hodgson. The firm was asked by the BOD to look into the accounts of CIM but this is barking at the wrong tree. They should have been asked to investigate the accounts of the Church because that was where the funds were being channelled from. Therefore, their findings that the accounts of CIM are in order is totally irrelevant.
The BOD knows this and the purpose of their mentioning the appointment of "a renowned firm of Investigative Accountants and a firm of Advocates and Solicitors specializing in criminal practice" in the announcement is merely to hoodwink the church members and the public.
Clip #4 : Forensic Accountant's Statements
The Church website statement also says, "These allegations were presented by the Board of Deacons and deliberated at length by the members of Calvary Church at the EGMs on 15 August, 2008 and 4 April, 2009 and AGM on 19 June, 2009." Listen to Clip 5 to see if this is a true statement. All the AGMs or EGMs so far have always been conducted according to PG's autocratic style. Members' grouses or criticism are always brushed aside, other times promises are made by PG to pacify the members but never intended to be fulfilled. There has not been a single occasion whereby the members' views have been considered as worth listening to, unless the views are in support of PG. It is shocking that one of PG's supporters (Lawyer David Peters) considers fellow church members' request to solve church issues at a General Meeting as HIJACKING THE AGENDA. However, PG & BOD's unscheduled introduction of the church auditors to present their findings without prior notice to members is deemed legitimate.
Clip 5 : "Deliberation" between PG & Members
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Calvary Crisis in The Star
The Star newspaper has today published a report on the on-going crisis in Calvary Church under their Metro Section. You can read the report from The Star online portal by clicking on the following link :

(Thanks to a church member who sent us this scan copy of the newspaper article. On the right is the scan of report on the issues raised at the EGM found in the newspaper but not found in the Star online portal)
On another note, CT received this e-mail on 16 November 2009, in which the writer posed a simple question to us. We publish this so that all who are reading and following the CC Saga will ask themselves that one simple question which is recorded in the last paragraph of this e-mail. This is the view of someone outside of Calvary Church.
Hi brothers & sisters in Christ,
I accidentally stumbled upon your blog site "" when I surfed the net under Calvary Church. I have heard about the grand plan of your church a couple of years ago but did not follow up on the development towards your church's vision until recently when out of the blue I wonder what has taken place since the news of a RM100 million Calvary Church building plan hit the Star newspaper several years ago.
To start off, what your church is experiencing now is not a surprise to me. Mega churches almost always has a hidden agenda. In your case, money mismanagement by the senior pastor, a compliant board of deacons who are hand pick by the senior pastor, a pastor who shove his feet into the face of his sheeps who rebel, an EGM which is manipulated. These are clear signs of a wrong leadership. I want to lend support here to all you who rebel with a cause, as an outsider but a fellow follower of Christ that what you people are doing is a great show of courage, righteousness and wisdom. Your guys are not blind followers. What puzzles me is why is it so diffficult to remove your pastor. He has no business to lead the church now. In fact to allow him to continue, is to be a fellow comrade in crime. Mis-using God's money for one's own selfish purpose is sinning against God. To let your pastor continue to hold on to his post is to continue to allow him to plunder God's money. And to continue allowing him to do, now that the congregation is aware, is to be a partner in crime. Your congregation has all the facts of his abuse already. The right thing to do now is to remove him through a EGM. And following that, all the money embazzled must be recovered. You can write off the money the thieves stole from you but Do not write off the money the thieves stole from the church because the church's money do not belong to you. What your pastor did is a carbon copy of the many churches in USA and many dirty politicians common practice. That's saying one thing but doing another. Not practicing what one preaches. You can call him a false preacher. His crime is the prove.
In conclusion, may I ask this simple question? Do you want to be accused of being a partner in crime with your pastor? If your answer is no, sack him! God will be your supporter. Satan will be your discourager. Who then do you follow? Fear not if you are doing right. The one who should tremble is the criminal.
CT would like to quote this Comment put in by a Calvarite today, 20 November 2009 to address those who have expressed their disappointment that this matter has been made public in the Star newspaper. No one would have wanted things to get this far but since it has, the question that really begs for an answer from the church leadership NOW is :
Standing Up for Truth said...
In any conflict there will be supporters for both sides. No matter how wrong or unjust one party has been there will be faithful supporters who will fan them and urge them on. We are not surprised that until now there are still fervent supporters to what PG, pastors and BOD have done against and /or failed to do according to Biblical standards.
But we must understand that Truth and Righteousness is never relative. If it is white it has to be white, no matter how people may argue and say it is black or grey according to their interpretation. Those of the people who say how sad they are about the Star Article and that matters has gone public..and how the Christian faith would have been tarnished, it is humbly submitted that all attempts have been made to all levels of Christian leadership in the country on the matters at hand over the past many months. If PG, pastors and BOD had been Christlike and willing to humble themselves then the turn of events would not have come this far.
It is sad that CC leaders were just too arrogant to acknowledge their mistakes and to say they are sorry and to humble themselves and repent....There have been numerous attempts to talk to PG, pastors and BOD but to no avail. So what makes one not wonder that God will not use people to bring about change in CC and that God's fire can come in different forms. Many months back a visiting pastor prophesied that God's fire will descend at the altars in CC. Don't we believe that God is the righteous and holy God and He shares His glory with no one!
I believe God will never compromise on what is the truth, righteousness and justice because He delights in these. I would rather be supporting and stand up for what is right than compromise with what men perceive is not the proper thing to do when the truth is revealed and it hurts and that further, there are negative consequences that will naturally follow due to such exposures.
November 20, 2009 5:09 PM

(Thanks to a church member who sent us this scan copy of the newspaper article. On the right is the scan of report on the issues raised at the EGM found in the newspaper but not found in the Star online portal)
On another note, CT received this e-mail on 16 November 2009, in which the writer posed a simple question to us. We publish this so that all who are reading and following the CC Saga will ask themselves that one simple question which is recorded in the last paragraph of this e-mail. This is the view of someone outside of Calvary Church.
Hi brothers & sisters in Christ,
I accidentally stumbled upon your blog site "" when I surfed the net under Calvary Church. I have heard about the grand plan of your church a couple of years ago but did not follow up on the development towards your church's vision until recently when out of the blue I wonder what has taken place since the news of a RM100 million Calvary Church building plan hit the Star newspaper several years ago.
To start off, what your church is experiencing now is not a surprise to me. Mega churches almost always has a hidden agenda. In your case, money mismanagement by the senior pastor, a compliant board of deacons who are hand pick by the senior pastor, a pastor who shove his feet into the face of his sheeps who rebel, an EGM which is manipulated. These are clear signs of a wrong leadership. I want to lend support here to all you who rebel with a cause, as an outsider but a fellow follower of Christ that what you people are doing is a great show of courage, righteousness and wisdom. Your guys are not blind followers. What puzzles me is why is it so diffficult to remove your pastor. He has no business to lead the church now. In fact to allow him to continue, is to be a fellow comrade in crime. Mis-using God's money for one's own selfish purpose is sinning against God. To let your pastor continue to hold on to his post is to continue to allow him to plunder God's money. And to continue allowing him to do, now that the congregation is aware, is to be a partner in crime. Your congregation has all the facts of his abuse already. The right thing to do now is to remove him through a EGM. And following that, all the money embazzled must be recovered. You can write off the money the thieves stole from you but Do not write off the money the thieves stole from the church because the church's money do not belong to you. What your pastor did is a carbon copy of the many churches in USA and many dirty politicians common practice. That's saying one thing but doing another. Not practicing what one preaches. You can call him a false preacher. His crime is the prove.
In conclusion, may I ask this simple question? Do you want to be accused of being a partner in crime with your pastor? If your answer is no, sack him! God will be your supporter. Satan will be your discourager. Who then do you follow? Fear not if you are doing right. The one who should tremble is the criminal.
CT would like to quote this Comment put in by a Calvarite today, 20 November 2009 to address those who have expressed their disappointment that this matter has been made public in the Star newspaper. No one would have wanted things to get this far but since it has, the question that really begs for an answer from the church leadership NOW is :
Standing Up for Truth said...
In any conflict there will be supporters for both sides. No matter how wrong or unjust one party has been there will be faithful supporters who will fan them and urge them on. We are not surprised that until now there are still fervent supporters to what PG, pastors and BOD have done against and /or failed to do according to Biblical standards.
But we must understand that Truth and Righteousness is never relative. If it is white it has to be white, no matter how people may argue and say it is black or grey according to their interpretation. Those of the people who say how sad they are about the Star Article and that matters has gone public..and how the Christian faith would have been tarnished, it is humbly submitted that all attempts have been made to all levels of Christian leadership in the country on the matters at hand over the past many months. If PG, pastors and BOD had been Christlike and willing to humble themselves then the turn of events would not have come this far.
It is sad that CC leaders were just too arrogant to acknowledge their mistakes and to say they are sorry and to humble themselves and repent....There have been numerous attempts to talk to PG, pastors and BOD but to no avail. So what makes one not wonder that God will not use people to bring about change in CC and that God's fire can come in different forms. Many months back a visiting pastor prophesied that God's fire will descend at the altars in CC. Don't we believe that God is the righteous and holy God and He shares His glory with no one!
I believe God will never compromise on what is the truth, righteousness and justice because He delights in these. I would rather be supporting and stand up for what is right than compromise with what men perceive is not the proper thing to do when the truth is revealed and it hurts and that further, there are negative consequences that will naturally follow due to such exposures.
November 20, 2009 5:09 PM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Is PG a Narcissist?
Someone highlighted to CT this enlightening online article, “Narcissism in the Pulpit” by Grant Swanson of Power2Serve Ministries, which could help us understand what is going on in CC. We have extracted some note worthy statements from the article which is relevant to us in CC, with Bro Grant's permission. Please go to his ministry website for the full Article.
“Generally most church conflict is caused by carnality, selfishness and ambition (1 Cor 3:3)., Combine these sinful behaviors with an antagonist or two and you can have serious conflict problems as we have discussed earlier. Add selfish ambition to these characteristic in the Senior Pastor and spiritual abuse can be meted out in sinful, and destructive ways.”
This is a must-read article because "When you enter the web of the Narcissist, you leave yourself behind." This could explain the total compliance of our associate pastors, deacons and other leaders. “Hopefully by the time you have finished reading the information within this chapter you should be able to have a clear understanding as to whether or not the problems you are experiencing with your pastor are being caused by Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”
Who is a Narcissist?
"The overall definition of someone with a narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a combination of severe limitations in understanding other people and their feelings, as well as an excessive pursuit of what are called narcissistic supplies, such as admiration, attention, status, understanding, support, money, power, control, or perfection in some form. While all of us need these supplies in adequate amounts to feel a sense of well being, the narcissist pursues them with an unrelenting desperation and a keen ability to manipulate others. Meanwhile the outer persona of the NPD individual is generally one of confidence and control, alongside a smooth or charming demeanor. As your involvement with the narcissist develops you will notice that the relationship increasingly becomes one-way with you in the primary giving position."
“It is close to impossible (to immediately recognize a narcissist) and that is the secret of their astounding success. Narcissists are good actors. They are adept at charming others, persuading them, manipulating them, or otherwise influencing them to do their bidding.”
“Generally most church conflict is caused by carnality, selfishness and ambition (1 Cor 3:3)., Combine these sinful behaviors with an antagonist or two and you can have serious conflict problems as we have discussed earlier. Add selfish ambition to these characteristic in the Senior Pastor and spiritual abuse can be meted out in sinful, and destructive ways.”
This is a must-read article because "When you enter the web of the Narcissist, you leave yourself behind." This could explain the total compliance of our associate pastors, deacons and other leaders. “Hopefully by the time you have finished reading the information within this chapter you should be able to have a clear understanding as to whether or not the problems you are experiencing with your pastor are being caused by Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”
Who is a Narcissist?
"The overall definition of someone with a narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a combination of severe limitations in understanding other people and their feelings, as well as an excessive pursuit of what are called narcissistic supplies, such as admiration, attention, status, understanding, support, money, power, control, or perfection in some form. While all of us need these supplies in adequate amounts to feel a sense of well being, the narcissist pursues them with an unrelenting desperation and a keen ability to manipulate others. Meanwhile the outer persona of the NPD individual is generally one of confidence and control, alongside a smooth or charming demeanor. As your involvement with the narcissist develops you will notice that the relationship increasingly becomes one-way with you in the primary giving position."
“It is close to impossible (to immediately recognize a narcissist) and that is the secret of their astounding success. Narcissists are good actors. They are adept at charming others, persuading them, manipulating them, or otherwise influencing them to do their bidding.”
The Danger of a Narcissist
The other sections are:
1. How to Identify a Narcissist. This is recommended for church members to read.
2. How to Survive In Relationship with a Narcissist. This is very important for those working with PG especially the associate pastors and the church workers.
3. Around the Board Table. This is especially important for the deacons to read.
Read the full article at:
Is PG a narcissist?Go to the link below and complete the check list and you will know.
We list here a sample of the symptoms of a Narcissist.
Does PG have any of these symptoms?
1. Self-centered. His needs are paramount and take precedence over the church.
2. No remorse for mistakes or misdeeds. Will not offer heartfelt apologies or ask forgiveness.
3. Projects his faults on to others. High blaming behavior; never his fault.
4. Insensitive to needs and feelings of others
5. Has a good front (persona) to impress and exploit others
6. Rationalizes easily. Twists conversation to his gain at other’s expense. If trapped, keeps talking, changes the subject or gets angry
7. Pathological lying. Will lie if he thinks it will further his image and if he doesn’t think it will be discovered. When lies are followed up on will imply that the other person is mistaken, and that he never said the lie in the first place
8. Often perceived as caring and understanding and uses this to manipulate
9. Secret life. Hides money, friends, activities
10. Seldom expresses appreciation unless he is buttering the person up for further use
11. He announces, not discusses. He tells, not asks
12. Controls money of others but spends freely on himself
13. Very good at reading people, so he can manipulate them
14. Will exaggerate and brag about past accomplishments
15. Will be overly concerned with the ‘image’ of the church building/bulletins etc.
"Realize that a narcissistic pastor is a very real danger both to himself and to the church life. According to Dattner Consulting LLC if the NPD pastor is able to accumulate too much power and prestige, and if others in the church are not able to moderate the narcissist’s destructive impulses, success can soon lead to failure. In the narcissists quest to maintain and promote their fragile self-esteem, the NPD pastor can often ignore or deny reality when it presents itself. They will also exploit the organization in order to attain their own goals. Grandiosity can lead to too much risk taking, and fear of failure can at other times lead to too little risk. With this in mind it becomes necessary to establish appropriate boundaries around the areas of finance, relational power over other staff, the board and other leaders appointed by the congregation. Unfortunately fear is the main deterrent to the narcissist—fear of losing his reputation, and fear of consequences which are clearly delineated and carried out when necessary."
The other sections are:
1. How to Identify a Narcissist. This is recommended for church members to read.
2. How to Survive In Relationship with a Narcissist. This is very important for those working with PG especially the associate pastors and the church workers.
3. Around the Board Table. This is especially important for the deacons to read.
Read the full article at:
Is PG a narcissist?Go to the link below and complete the check list and you will know.
We list here a sample of the symptoms of a Narcissist.
Does PG have any of these symptoms?
1. Self-centered. His needs are paramount and take precedence over the church.
2. No remorse for mistakes or misdeeds. Will not offer heartfelt apologies or ask forgiveness.
3. Projects his faults on to others. High blaming behavior; never his fault.
4. Insensitive to needs and feelings of others
5. Has a good front (persona) to impress and exploit others
6. Rationalizes easily. Twists conversation to his gain at other’s expense. If trapped, keeps talking, changes the subject or gets angry
7. Pathological lying. Will lie if he thinks it will further his image and if he doesn’t think it will be discovered. When lies are followed up on will imply that the other person is mistaken, and that he never said the lie in the first place
8. Often perceived as caring and understanding and uses this to manipulate
9. Secret life. Hides money, friends, activities
10. Seldom expresses appreciation unless he is buttering the person up for further use
11. He announces, not discusses. He tells, not asks
12. Controls money of others but spends freely on himself
13. Very good at reading people, so he can manipulate them
14. Will exaggerate and brag about past accomplishments
15. Will be overly concerned with the ‘image’ of the church building/bulletins etc.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
An Open Reply to an E-mail from Overseas.
CT received this e-mail from someone overseas. We believe that what this brother/sister has expressed may be something that some of you out there reading this blog have in mind also. As such, we have decided to reply this e-mail as an Open Letter to all the followers of CT, who may have similar questions. The e-mail reads like this:
"My name is __________. I attended Calvary Church for many years until I moved to _________ in 2000. I am currently residing in ____________. I have been following your blog and the writings with great interest. I also keep in contacts with current Calvarites.
I don't believe in condoning what is wrong. However, I also believe that what the bible says about "he who has no sin casts the first stone". Also, vengeance is mine, says the Lord.
I am a person of vengeful spirit especially when someone does me wrong. The anger that boils inside me wants me to strike back. Recently, a brother in Christ shared with me and made me realized that anger and pride goes hand in hand. God wants us to be humble and approach everything and every situation with humility. I pray that you would do the same. I also pray that you would not hide behind a blog but be open and reveal yourself. Hiding behind a blog and throwing darts is not helping. Going on our knees in humility and prayers before God will.
God bless you."
Our reply to this e-mail:
It is great to know that God has helped you deal with your anger problem and your lesson on humility.
We, the concerned members of Calvary Church, KL, on the other hand, have been called, led together and have responded to God’s leading to do what we are doing not because we have anger in our hearts for any of our Pastors or the Church. In fact, many of us have been in church for many years and some may even be considered the “pillars” of the early Calvary Church.
As individuals, we are all tremendously blessed by God with good jobs, wonderful families and have a passionate heart for God’s work and many are currently actively involved in Christian ministries. Many are also supporting different Christian organizations financially. We believe God has brought us together to stand up firmly for Him to declare His Righteousness and Holiness in this time and age. We are to be the "salt" and the "light" and to be a “city on the hill” for His Name’s sake. We cannot bend or try to blend in together with any form of unrighteousness and ungodly practices especially in the management of God’s Church and God’s money.
We don’t fault you for not knowing who the TTG concerned brother and sisters are.
CT is only a tool used to disseminate information to interested church members (but now includes others like yourself also) who may otherwise have no access to information about the CC Saga from ordinary church members' point of view. The only information that we have gotten from the church leadership so far have been heavily "sugar coated" resulting in "half truths" information, which by the way, was only privy for church leaders and some selected few privileged members. What is announced from the pulpit are sweeping statements, specially tailored to make us "feel good" as someone said earlier in another post. So, your statement that CT is someone "hiding behind a blog and throwing darts," is wrong deduction. We don't blame you since you are residing half way across the world from us. Just to let you know, the darts that you are referring to are the TRUTH of the matter at hand. Truth, sometimes if not always hurts.
Now as to revealing ourselves, we are a group of no less than 50 people at any one point in time. If you are here in KL, you will know us. TTG have no membership. TTG only have volunteers who feel led by God to contribute their share of expertise as and when needed for a specific task. People respond to God’s leading at the perfect timing, to lend the group a helping hand to fulfill the purpose that God has, to carry out His Will at very specific times, in this journey. TTG have not been in any desperate need to ask anyone for help to get things done. We don't need to because God has always sent someone with the right expertise to do the job that was needed to be done.
To recollect such occasions, we relate to you this incident. When Dr Lum's interview was published, a brother volunteered his help to translate that post into the Chinese language to benefit our Chinese congregation. After doing that, he decided to worship in another church. He was really a man sent by God to fulfill His plan. Then when all the documents were complied for distribution to members at the EGM held on 15 August 2008, another brother volunteered to print the pages for free. Then another brother volunteered some workers to stand outside the church and at the carpark area to distribute the handouts. Everything was done so smoothly because God sent people to do a little part each. No one went out of the way to scout for helpers. People came on board to support the group's effort on their own accord after hearing about the task at hand. TTG have only so far asked for support in the form of signature campaigns during the earlier “teh-tarik” meetings.
We do nothing in our personal capacity but everything is done in unity of spirit among brethren, always being mindful of the Holy Spirit's leading and guiding, even though we are a group made up of many individuals from diverse backgrounds and personalities. It is really amazing to see how God motivates each one of us to move very differently and at different times and yet at the same time, to coordinate so well as a group, is unbelievable. Only God in His great wisdom and understanding, can unite a group of people with such diversity and only God’s people who are responding to the call that God has impressed on them, that the cause for TTG – Truth, Transparency and Godly Governance, can be accomplished and persevered on till this day. When one person completes his task, God calls another one in to carry on the next task, and this has been going on from the beginning. So how do you “reveal” the TTG people? TTG is many brothers and sisters in Christ, called by God, brought together by the Holy Spirit, all with a common love and dedication for our Lord Jesus Christ, so that no one can claim glory for themselves.
As to your exhortation for us to go on our knees to humbly pray, we would like to ask you to read back the past articles in the category of “Prayer & Testimonies” in this blog.
At very important thresh holds of time in this journey, God spoke to us through the "rainbows" that was shared by one church member which gave us encouragement to continue on the journey even though we have no clue what to do next. He has sent many prayer warriors to talk to different individuals which has brought light and understanding to the group when we needed it.
Many in the group also network with Pastors and friends, locally and overseas, who are constantly praying for God’s will to be accomplished in Calvary Church. The most recent word from the Lord which was delivered to us through someone is this: Someone while praying for our CC Saga received a vision of many "tears" as in someone crying. In the last two weeks, different individuals have shared that during their personal devotion and Bible reading time, they were impressed to read Jeremiah. One person read Jeremiah 8 & 9. Another was impressed to read Jeremiah 12 & 13. We hope that you too will read the Book of Jeremiah and allow God to speak to you personally. Ask God to reveal to you, who have cried those tears?
Every “revelation” in this blog, has been timed by God Himself and actually furnished by God Himself too. The different articles written by different individuals were written and sent in by their own accord. Others were already written by members and CT only sought their permission to publish – CT did not ask for it to be written. Including this e-mail of yours which today serves as an Open Letter so that many readers like yourself can have a better understanding of this whole CC Saga and TTG. To the group, your e-mail is by no means accidental. Like many of us, we believe you have responded to God’s soft prompting without even realizing it and CT and TTG give praise to God for that.
CT would like to put on record once again, our gratitude to our Sovereign God and our Lord Jesus Christ for sending the Holy Spirit to be our constant guide in this journey through a very difficult and trying time in the history of Calvary Church. Indeed, without God, CT can do nothing. If you are thankful for the information that you have gotten from visiting CT, please express your "thanks" to God our Heavenly Father to whom Calvary Church belongs to. There is no one you can say "thank you" to, except to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, without whom, CT would have been wiped out long ago. The fact that you, who is residing half way across the world is reading what is published in CT, is a testimony of God's hand and faithfulness to us all.
It will be Christmas time again very soon. CT wish you a Blessed Christmas and God Bless You Too.
"My name is __________. I attended Calvary Church for many years until I moved to _________ in 2000. I am currently residing in ____________. I have been following your blog and the writings with great interest. I also keep in contacts with current Calvarites.
I don't believe in condoning what is wrong. However, I also believe that what the bible says about "he who has no sin casts the first stone". Also, vengeance is mine, says the Lord.
I am a person of vengeful spirit especially when someone does me wrong. The anger that boils inside me wants me to strike back. Recently, a brother in Christ shared with me and made me realized that anger and pride goes hand in hand. God wants us to be humble and approach everything and every situation with humility. I pray that you would do the same. I also pray that you would not hide behind a blog but be open and reveal yourself. Hiding behind a blog and throwing darts is not helping. Going on our knees in humility and prayers before God will.
God bless you."
Our reply to this e-mail:
It is great to know that God has helped you deal with your anger problem and your lesson on humility.
We, the concerned members of Calvary Church, KL, on the other hand, have been called, led together and have responded to God’s leading to do what we are doing not because we have anger in our hearts for any of our Pastors or the Church. In fact, many of us have been in church for many years and some may even be considered the “pillars” of the early Calvary Church.
As individuals, we are all tremendously blessed by God with good jobs, wonderful families and have a passionate heart for God’s work and many are currently actively involved in Christian ministries. Many are also supporting different Christian organizations financially. We believe God has brought us together to stand up firmly for Him to declare His Righteousness and Holiness in this time and age. We are to be the "salt" and the "light" and to be a “city on the hill” for His Name’s sake. We cannot bend or try to blend in together with any form of unrighteousness and ungodly practices especially in the management of God’s Church and God’s money.
We don’t fault you for not knowing who the TTG concerned brother and sisters are.
CT is only a tool used to disseminate information to interested church members (but now includes others like yourself also) who may otherwise have no access to information about the CC Saga from ordinary church members' point of view. The only information that we have gotten from the church leadership so far have been heavily "sugar coated" resulting in "half truths" information, which by the way, was only privy for church leaders and some selected few privileged members. What is announced from the pulpit are sweeping statements, specially tailored to make us "feel good" as someone said earlier in another post. So, your statement that CT is someone "hiding behind a blog and throwing darts," is wrong deduction. We don't blame you since you are residing half way across the world from us. Just to let you know, the darts that you are referring to are the TRUTH of the matter at hand. Truth, sometimes if not always hurts.
Now as to revealing ourselves, we are a group of no less than 50 people at any one point in time. If you are here in KL, you will know us. TTG have no membership. TTG only have volunteers who feel led by God to contribute their share of expertise as and when needed for a specific task. People respond to God’s leading at the perfect timing, to lend the group a helping hand to fulfill the purpose that God has, to carry out His Will at very specific times, in this journey. TTG have not been in any desperate need to ask anyone for help to get things done. We don't need to because God has always sent someone with the right expertise to do the job that was needed to be done.
To recollect such occasions, we relate to you this incident. When Dr Lum's interview was published, a brother volunteered his help to translate that post into the Chinese language to benefit our Chinese congregation. After doing that, he decided to worship in another church. He was really a man sent by God to fulfill His plan. Then when all the documents were complied for distribution to members at the EGM held on 15 August 2008, another brother volunteered to print the pages for free. Then another brother volunteered some workers to stand outside the church and at the carpark area to distribute the handouts. Everything was done so smoothly because God sent people to do a little part each. No one went out of the way to scout for helpers. People came on board to support the group's effort on their own accord after hearing about the task at hand. TTG have only so far asked for support in the form of signature campaigns during the earlier “teh-tarik” meetings.
We do nothing in our personal capacity but everything is done in unity of spirit among brethren, always being mindful of the Holy Spirit's leading and guiding, even though we are a group made up of many individuals from diverse backgrounds and personalities. It is really amazing to see how God motivates each one of us to move very differently and at different times and yet at the same time, to coordinate so well as a group, is unbelievable. Only God in His great wisdom and understanding, can unite a group of people with such diversity and only God’s people who are responding to the call that God has impressed on them, that the cause for TTG – Truth, Transparency and Godly Governance, can be accomplished and persevered on till this day. When one person completes his task, God calls another one in to carry on the next task, and this has been going on from the beginning. So how do you “reveal” the TTG people? TTG is many brothers and sisters in Christ, called by God, brought together by the Holy Spirit, all with a common love and dedication for our Lord Jesus Christ, so that no one can claim glory for themselves.
As to your exhortation for us to go on our knees to humbly pray, we would like to ask you to read back the past articles in the category of “Prayer & Testimonies” in this blog.
At very important thresh holds of time in this journey, God spoke to us through the "rainbows" that was shared by one church member which gave us encouragement to continue on the journey even though we have no clue what to do next. He has sent many prayer warriors to talk to different individuals which has brought light and understanding to the group when we needed it.
Many in the group also network with Pastors and friends, locally and overseas, who are constantly praying for God’s will to be accomplished in Calvary Church. The most recent word from the Lord which was delivered to us through someone is this: Someone while praying for our CC Saga received a vision of many "tears" as in someone crying. In the last two weeks, different individuals have shared that during their personal devotion and Bible reading time, they were impressed to read Jeremiah. One person read Jeremiah 8 & 9. Another was impressed to read Jeremiah 12 & 13. We hope that you too will read the Book of Jeremiah and allow God to speak to you personally. Ask God to reveal to you, who have cried those tears?
Every “revelation” in this blog, has been timed by God Himself and actually furnished by God Himself too. The different articles written by different individuals were written and sent in by their own accord. Others were already written by members and CT only sought their permission to publish – CT did not ask for it to be written. Including this e-mail of yours which today serves as an Open Letter so that many readers like yourself can have a better understanding of this whole CC Saga and TTG. To the group, your e-mail is by no means accidental. Like many of us, we believe you have responded to God’s soft prompting without even realizing it and CT and TTG give praise to God for that.
CT would like to put on record once again, our gratitude to our Sovereign God and our Lord Jesus Christ for sending the Holy Spirit to be our constant guide in this journey through a very difficult and trying time in the history of Calvary Church. Indeed, without God, CT can do nothing. If you are thankful for the information that you have gotten from visiting CT, please express your "thanks" to God our Heavenly Father to whom Calvary Church belongs to. There is no one you can say "thank you" to, except to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, without whom, CT would have been wiped out long ago. The fact that you, who is residing half way across the world is reading what is published in CT, is a testimony of God's hand and faithfulness to us all.
It will be Christmas time again very soon. CT wish you a Blessed Christmas and God Bless You Too.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
PG And Wife Continues To Deceive???
Pastor Prince Guneratnam (PG) is scheduled to preach at Evangel Family Church (EFC) in Singapore on 8 November 2009.
EFC is the home church of his good buddy, Rev Robert Lim. EFC is the generous church which PG had claimed gave him a brand new Volvo XC90 4WD and Sis Petrina Guneratnam, a new Honda Civic a few years ago. Whether this is true or false, no one knows? It is inconceivable that EFC will give such generous gifts to PG and his wife especially since Rev Robert is well-known for his sacrificial giving to church planting and actual missions work while denying himself of such luxuries. We hope that someone from EFC will enlighten us on this mystery.
Coming back to the subject in hand, EFC published an online advertisement on PG’s coming preaching engagement. Click on the following link to see the advertisement:
If you read through the write-up on the credentials of PG and Sis Petrina, you will be shocked that they are both still proclaiming (by implication) that Calvary International Ministries (CIM) is still alive.
The write-up states that “ Prince Guneratnam is also the President and Founder of Calvary International Ministries.”
The write-up on Sis Petrina Guneratnam states that “She is also the co-founder and Vice President of the Calvary International Ministries.”
CT does not think that EFC would publish this without getting the clearance from PG. It is more likely that EFC was given this write-up to publish.
If this was the case, PG and his wife are certainly a recalcitrant couple, still bent on misleading fellow Christian brothers and sisters and his own peers.
For those unfamiliar with the background, CIM was the personal ministry of PG. CIM became a major issue among Calvary Church members when it was discovered last year that the Board of Deacons and the Missions Department, both headed by PG, had transferred a total of RM1.9m from church coffers into CIM’s account between 2002 to 2007, without the knowledge or approval of the church members.
The FACT is that CIM has been de-registered by NECF last year because it does not qualify to be a member. CIM had originally been registered as a member of NECF as a result of misrepresentation by PG. After the exposure by concerned members of Calvary Church, CIM was removed from the membership register of NECF. The misrepresentation has also been confirmed by the Assemblies of God Malaysia after conducting their own investigations. CIM, therefore, no longer exists as a Christian body.
CIM’s bank accounts in Malaysia are believed to have been cancelled after the de-registration of CIM by NECF but no one knows if its banks accounts in Singapore or US or elsewhere are still existing. Presumably, they still are.
CT does not know the reason behind PG’s “wanting to keep CIM alive”. One can only speculate that CIM is where all the love offerings which PG receives from his preaching engagements and all donations to his ministry are channeled to.
With “Calvary” in its name, none of the churches and pastors out there can be faulted if they thought that CIM was part of Calvary Church when actually it is not. Therefore, any donation meant for Calvary Church could have been addressed to and channeled into CIM’s bank account/s in Singapore or elsewhere and no one would even be aware of it.
Calvarites have often wondered why, after all these years of our Church giving to the building funds of other churches, none of the overseas churches (except for EFC and Cho Yonggi’s church) have made contributions to our CCC building fund. Perhaps, the answer lies in CIM.
On the topic of deception, another interesting thing to note is that in his wife, Sis Petrina’s write-up, it was stated that she “pioneered the first Assemblies of God church, the Glad Tidings Assembly of God in Klang, Malaysia”.
Perhaps it was a genuine grammatical error in the way the statement was structured but it does give an impression that she started the first Assemblies of God church in Malaysia and that that church was the Glad Tidings in Klang. For the benefit of readers, the first Assemblies of God church in Malaysia was in Jalan Sayur, Kuala Lumpur and she certainly was not the one who started it in 1934 as she was not born yet.
You can read the History of the Assemblies of God church in Malaysia at :
AOG History
So, dear Pastor Prince Guneratnam, what are you up to now?
EFC is the home church of his good buddy, Rev Robert Lim. EFC is the generous church which PG had claimed gave him a brand new Volvo XC90 4WD and Sis Petrina Guneratnam, a new Honda Civic a few years ago. Whether this is true or false, no one knows? It is inconceivable that EFC will give such generous gifts to PG and his wife especially since Rev Robert is well-known for his sacrificial giving to church planting and actual missions work while denying himself of such luxuries. We hope that someone from EFC will enlighten us on this mystery.
Coming back to the subject in hand, EFC published an online advertisement on PG’s coming preaching engagement. Click on the following link to see the advertisement:
If you read through the write-up on the credentials of PG and Sis Petrina, you will be shocked that they are both still proclaiming (by implication) that Calvary International Ministries (CIM) is still alive.
The write-up states that “ Prince Guneratnam is also the President and Founder of Calvary International Ministries.”
The write-up on Sis Petrina Guneratnam states that “She is also the co-founder and Vice President of the Calvary International Ministries.”
CT does not think that EFC would publish this without getting the clearance from PG. It is more likely that EFC was given this write-up to publish.
If this was the case, PG and his wife are certainly a recalcitrant couple, still bent on misleading fellow Christian brothers and sisters and his own peers.
For those unfamiliar with the background, CIM was the personal ministry of PG. CIM became a major issue among Calvary Church members when it was discovered last year that the Board of Deacons and the Missions Department, both headed by PG, had transferred a total of RM1.9m from church coffers into CIM’s account between 2002 to 2007, without the knowledge or approval of the church members.
The FACT is that CIM has been de-registered by NECF last year because it does not qualify to be a member. CIM had originally been registered as a member of NECF as a result of misrepresentation by PG. After the exposure by concerned members of Calvary Church, CIM was removed from the membership register of NECF. The misrepresentation has also been confirmed by the Assemblies of God Malaysia after conducting their own investigations. CIM, therefore, no longer exists as a Christian body.
CIM’s bank accounts in Malaysia are believed to have been cancelled after the de-registration of CIM by NECF but no one knows if its banks accounts in Singapore or US or elsewhere are still existing. Presumably, they still are.
CT does not know the reason behind PG’s “wanting to keep CIM alive”. One can only speculate that CIM is where all the love offerings which PG receives from his preaching engagements and all donations to his ministry are channeled to.
With “Calvary” in its name, none of the churches and pastors out there can be faulted if they thought that CIM was part of Calvary Church when actually it is not. Therefore, any donation meant for Calvary Church could have been addressed to and channeled into CIM’s bank account/s in Singapore or elsewhere and no one would even be aware of it.
Calvarites have often wondered why, after all these years of our Church giving to the building funds of other churches, none of the overseas churches (except for EFC and Cho Yonggi’s church) have made contributions to our CCC building fund. Perhaps, the answer lies in CIM.
On the topic of deception, another interesting thing to note is that in his wife, Sis Petrina’s write-up, it was stated that she “pioneered the first Assemblies of God church, the Glad Tidings Assembly of God in Klang, Malaysia”.
Perhaps it was a genuine grammatical error in the way the statement was structured but it does give an impression that she started the first Assemblies of God church in Malaysia and that that church was the Glad Tidings in Klang. For the benefit of readers, the first Assemblies of God church in Malaysia was in Jalan Sayur, Kuala Lumpur and she certainly was not the one who started it in 1934 as she was not born yet.
You can read the History of the Assemblies of God church in Malaysia at :
AOG History
So, dear Pastor Prince Guneratnam, what are you up to now?
Just Added on 7 November 2009.
To read, "The Bible View on Forgiveness" by Gordon Rumford as recommended by Bro. Vijay on November 7, 2009 11:02 PM, click here :
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
PG Chickens Out!
In a last-ditch mediation effort, a prominent Calvarite together with the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Malaysia, made arrangements to bring representatives from the concerned members or the TTG group (as it is more popularly known) and Pas Prince Guneratnam (PG) and his team together to discuss how to resolve the ongoing saga in Calvary Church.
Parameters for the meeting from both sides were given to the two mediators who then came out with a harmonized set of parameters for the meeting. The date of the meeting, which was to be held in the hotel of the said Calvarite, was mutually agreed upon and set for this Thursday, 29th October.
The proposed meeting was to be attended by 4 representatives from the TTG group and 4 from the Church leadership including PG. The Chairmen would be the 2 mediators. Another 3 council members from the Assemblies of God Malaysia were expected to attend as observers.
Admittedly, the concerned members were pleasantly surprised that PG finally agreed to meet with the concerned members to seek an amicable solution to the many issues in our Church.
The members had renewed hope that there will be a positive outcome to this meeting so that everyone can return to Calvary Church to rebuild the Church and to move forward.
Sadly, this hope was dashed today (Tuesday). PG has decided not to proceed with the much anticipated meeting. He came out with a flimsy excuse that his deacons cannot make it. This is akin to saying that out of his 7 deacons and 8 pastors, he could not get 3 of them to join him.
Parameters for the meeting from both sides were given to the two mediators who then came out with a harmonized set of parameters for the meeting. The date of the meeting, which was to be held in the hotel of the said Calvarite, was mutually agreed upon and set for this Thursday, 29th October.
The proposed meeting was to be attended by 4 representatives from the TTG group and 4 from the Church leadership including PG. The Chairmen would be the 2 mediators. Another 3 council members from the Assemblies of God Malaysia were expected to attend as observers.
Admittedly, the concerned members were pleasantly surprised that PG finally agreed to meet with the concerned members to seek an amicable solution to the many issues in our Church.
The members had renewed hope that there will be a positive outcome to this meeting so that everyone can return to Calvary Church to rebuild the Church and to move forward.
Sadly, this hope was dashed today (Tuesday). PG has decided not to proceed with the much anticipated meeting. He came out with a flimsy excuse that his deacons cannot make it. This is akin to saying that out of his 7 deacons and 8 pastors, he could not get 3 of them to join him.
If indeed this was true, then all the deacons and pastors ought to be sacked. Just a few months ago, they spent many evenings holding small group ceramahs to defend PG and to justify their sacking of Dr Lum for speaking the truth. (Click the link to read SP and BOD Divides Church Further).
Now they cannot even spend one evening to try to save a dying Church. If this is the real situation, then the Pastors ought to re-examine their calling seriously and the deacons should give way to others who have a heart for the welfare of the church.
Furthermore, if it is really true that none of the deacons and pastors can accompany PG to the meeting, let it be known that even if he came alone, he would have gotten the respect of the TTG (and the entire Church) for keeping the appointment.
If, however, the above is not true, then PG is outright lying.
The concerned members had, time and again in the past, initiated steps to seek legal redress, only to hold back each time, always, in the hope that PG will come to his senses and agree to resolve the issues in an amicable way. In a final attempt, the group recently, issued a letter through a lawyer to PG to request him to re-convene an EGM to re-consider the resolutions which were thrown out by Rev Ronnie Chin at the last AGM. PG promptly replied that he cannot accede to the members’ request. In his reply he said,
“I humbly implore upon your goodselves to advise your clients (concerned members) that the Deacons and I are ever ready and willing to discuss any concern that they (concerned members) may have in respect of the Church.”
So, after all that rhetoric about wanting to resolve the ongoing saga in Calvary Church the Christian way and about his ever willingness to meet the concerned members, Pastor Prince Guneratnam has once again proven that he is not a man of his words.
This is just real sad!
“I humbly implore upon your goodselves to advise your clients (concerned members) that the Deacons and I are ever ready and willing to discuss any concern that they (concerned members) may have in respect of the Church.”
So, after all that rhetoric about wanting to resolve the ongoing saga in Calvary Church the Christian way and about his ever willingness to meet the concerned members, Pastor Prince Guneratnam has once again proven that he is not a man of his words.
This is just real sad!
Monday, October 19, 2009
PG’s Vision Begins To Crumble
Pas Steven’s announcement over the pulpit yesterday morning on the Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) situation was brief and general. But what he said was misleading and a gross misrepresentation of the seriousness of the situation affecting the extravagant project. He said that the main contractor, Nam Fatt Bhd had defaulted on the contract to complete the CCC by 14 October 2009 and consequently, the Church had issued them a Notice of Default. He went on to say that the deacons are now studying various options and as a result, the completion of the CCC has been moved to 2011.
Pas Steven and Pas Guneratnam (PG) and his deacons probably thought Calvarites are little kids who can be easily fooled.
The news of the failure of Nam Fatt to complete the project on schedule did not shock anyone because most of the members already know that work at the site stopped months ago. The rest are probably simply blinded by the pastors' charm to recognise the truth. And now, this announcement comes just 4 months after our recent AGM, during which, ex-deacon Han assured the members that work at the site is progressing and has not stopped. It is obvious now that Bro Han and the Board of Deacons lied through their teeth at the AGM.
What irk most members was that Pas Steven could nonchalantly announce that the completion of the project is now moved to 2011. Anyone with some knowledge of the construction industry or even some common sense can tell you that in a situation like this, it takes months and sometimes, years to resolve the many issues and disputes that arise with such stoppages. Unless, of course, the Church is willing to throw extra millions to clear the claims by Nam Fatt and or the sub-contractors and to induce a new contractor to quickly re-commence and complete the abandoned project without going through the rigmarole of project due diligence, engineering surveys and valuation.
Just like PG’s past failed visions for Calvaryland, a 5,000-seat church in Sri Hartamas and a redevelopment of the existing Damansara Heights sanctuary into a multi-storey horse-shoe design church, his vision of the RM200 million 5,000- seat CCC now appears to be heading the same direction of another failure.
With the impending CCC Fund-raising Carnival that will be held later this month, we wonder what propaganda would be churned out to mitigate this damaging news. Be prepared to hear comments like "It's not that serious", "Just a slight delay only", "Don't listen to the devil", "Trust God" and all those 'feel good' factors, the 'Calvary Boleh" and 'all is well' messages.
BY God's divine wisdom and guidance, CT received the following article just 3 days ago from a member. CT wanted to verify the statements therein before publishing it. Yesterday’s announcement has confirmed that the CCC project has indeed stopped. There are many interesting questions raised by the author, which only PG and his deacons can answer. With what has happened, the situation now demands that PG and his deacons come out openly with truthful answers. No more lies, Pas Prince Guneratnam!
(The following article was contributed by a long-serving member)
Received ‘very reliable’ confirmation that construction works for CCC had stopped due to non-payment to the Sub-Contractors (SC). Sources revealed that the church had been paying, but the problem is on the Main Contractor’s (MC) side. Another interesting revelation is that, 14th. Oct. 2009 is the official Date of Completion for the project.
Pertinent questions are begging for answers now.
1) Was there any proper due diligence done in selecting the MC; such as:-
i) Pre-tender qualifications,
ii) Tender interview conducted after submission of tender with such questions as to the ability & capability of the MC to take on a project of this magnitude with regards to financial, technical, human resource & job commitment.
iii) What was documented in the tender reports?
2) If the church decides to determine the contract, we still have to pay the MC for all the work done as per the certification of the QS, & then we are saddled with a host of problems;
i) What happened to the warranties to the work executed by the MC & his SCs, bearing in mind, whosoever tenders for the remaining portion of the work would put in a premium for this warranties as well as responsibilities for all the works previously executed.
ii). What about the defects, whether discovered earlier and documented and waiting to be rectified or yet to be discovered as well as latent defects (defects appearing in later stage). Who will be responsible, do we pay extra to the next MC to undertake the rectifications.
iii). Would the contracts of the existing SCs be determined as well, would the new MC have to work with the existing SCs, can he get along with them, or get his own SCs, what about warranties & responsibilities of the existing SCs?
All these problems have a weightage to the amount the new tenderer would bid for the job and notwithstanding that, the current cost of materials & labour.
3) What happened to our rights and remedies under the contract?
Contractually, if the MC fails to complete the project on time and if he had exhausted all avenues for application for Extension of Time, Certificate of Non-Completion would be issued and then Liquidated & Ascertained damages would be recommended by the QS, giving the client the prerogative to deduct whatever monies due to the penalty for every Certificate of Payment presented by the MC. Could the MC still continue when monies are deducted, when even he had difficulty paying his SCs when money was not deducted.
Question is, does the MC have any application of time pending, as we have heard of ‘numerous changes’ being made. If these changes are caused by the client & consultants, the MC has valid grounds.
In the light of the MC non-performance in paying the SCs & his failure to complete the project on schedule, why did the church accept the Performance Bond in the form of ‘Corporate Guarantee’(on hindsight). The church has never been in the construction business & do not know the reputation and background of contractors, why did it trust the MC to the extent of accepting a ‘Corporate Guarantee’.
‘Corporate Guarantee’ is an exception rather than the norm, as most Performance Bonds are in the form of ‘Bank Guarantee’ or at worse, ‘Insurance Guarantee’. What recourse do we have, besides determining the contract. We have to console ourselves with the tattered reputation of the MC as Performance Bond. Normally, even when the MC have submitted a Bank Guarantee as Performance Bond, the client still will be on the losing side, should the contract be determined prematurely, due to non-performance of the MC. More so in this case.
The church lost out in terms of time & money as the new premises would not ready for occupation for quite a while, should the contract of the current MC be determined.
Two examples of the ‘feel good factors’ :-
1) When the church bought the land at Bukit Jalil, it highlighted that it had got a discount for the commercial portion of the land. Even though it was at a discounted price, the church is not putting up a commercial building, for all intent & purposes, it’s a church building, so, we paid extra for a commercial land to build a church building; it is akin to buying a piece of commercial land, even though at a discounted price, but building a residential building on it. This was not made known, only a half-truth was disseminated that we got the land at a discounted price…and everyone was so happy.
2) When the construction price shot up to RM150 million, they told us that there was a reduction in the ‘contingency sum’. Now a ‘contingency sum’ is for the purpose of….A CONTINGENCY. It is prudent for any project to allocate a 5% of the total construction cost for ‘contingency sum’. However you might not have to utilize this sum. So, for them to increase the cost from RM50 million and then throw in a feel good factor that the contingency sum is being reduced is a deception. You might as well jack up the construction cost to include in the contingency sum and tell all and sundry that this project is so well planned, that there is no need of a contingency sum.
Going back a little bit further, Calvarites have all along been led by the nose in accepting the building of a 5000 seating capacity 'church', it's "God's vision" and it had to succeed come what may. Wonder whether this so-called "God's vision" encompassed the following :-
1) A RM100 million mistake. This was acknowledged by the renowned architect who wants to build a signature building. Has the BOD practiced due diligence with our money and questioned how and why this RM100 million mistake was committed.
i) Has anyone thought of filing a 'professional negligence' suit against the architect or at least lodging a complaint with Lembaga Akitek Malaysia or Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia to suspend his practice?
ii) After all, has anyone ever heard of a RM100 million mistake?
iii) Was the decision to award to him, even after knowing his religious leaning, with consensus & above board?
2) During the 2007 AGM, HJK challenged the congregation by saying that "God asked, am I not worth that much?". Yet during the 2008 AGM, he spinned a tale that 'by value engineering (which actually is another name for cost-cutting, albeit a better sounding name), the church saved RM40 million, without compromising on design intent and quality. When questioned how did he managed to do that, he was dumbfounded and had to be 'rescued' by the Project Manager who said that they changed the material for the roof from 'enamel' to 'alucobond'.
i) Is that not a compromise for quality?
ii) The question is still ringing in my ears, "Am I (God) not worth more than that?", why need to cost-cut?
If you can saved RM40 million by cost-cutting and without having to compromise on the design intent and the quality, it means in the first place, you have jacked up the actual figure and then bringing it down to look good. HJK might now clarify that he was wearing different shoes when he spoke up during the different AGMs, remember how he said that he spoke in the capacity of a life-group leader & not a deacon, when promoting Calvary Kini. Anyway, I have never trusted people with multiple personalities.
3). The building had to be scaled down due to the exorbitant cost and yet with a lower construction cost, the MC could not performed and did not pay his SCs.
i) What would have happened had the cost not be scaled down, would the stoppage happened earlier?
ii) Was the decision to award to the MC done above-board?
iii) Was there a pre-determined plan to award to the current MC despite and in spite of whatever adverse reports?
Your guess is as good as mine. Most of us have not seen the drawings, specifications & documents pertaining to CCC, much less the tender reports. There are no monthly or bimonthly updates on the building, how much was paid out, what stage had the building been up to, whether the progress of construction is ahead or delayed, nothing, zilch. The whole project is shrouded in secrecy, more stringent than the official secrets act. You only give and don't question is the mantra not only applicable to tithes & offerings but also to CCC.
iv) How long had the MC not been paying the SCs and when was this brought into the open? It surely cannot be an overnight affair.
v) What has the consultants, especially the architect been advising, since he is the superintending officer of the project and would have known all this, or is he still busy looking at his design, first thing in the morning & the last thing at night that he had forgotten to administer the contract professionally or is there another RM100 million mistake in the making?
vi) What actions have been taken by the project team and the client to resolve the situation, like making direct payments to the SCs, so that the project can continue?
vii) Why is the church still paying the MC until now, is there something you & I don't know?
Anyway you look at it, the church members will have to bear the brunt of this fiasco.
“ Abraham was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (Heb 11:10) ; Calvarites are forced to look forward to a building without foundations of Truth, Transparency & Godly Governance, whose architect is a Free Mason and the builder is a default-paying MC.
“Abraham believed in God and it was imputed to him as righteousness” (Rom 4:3); Calvarites were made to believe in a Tan Sri/Dato’/Dr but it can only be imputed to them as blind or misguided faith.
Pas Steven and Pas Guneratnam (PG) and his deacons probably thought Calvarites are little kids who can be easily fooled.
The news of the failure of Nam Fatt to complete the project on schedule did not shock anyone because most of the members already know that work at the site stopped months ago. The rest are probably simply blinded by the pastors' charm to recognise the truth. And now, this announcement comes just 4 months after our recent AGM, during which, ex-deacon Han assured the members that work at the site is progressing and has not stopped. It is obvious now that Bro Han and the Board of Deacons lied through their teeth at the AGM.
What irk most members was that Pas Steven could nonchalantly announce that the completion of the project is now moved to 2011. Anyone with some knowledge of the construction industry or even some common sense can tell you that in a situation like this, it takes months and sometimes, years to resolve the many issues and disputes that arise with such stoppages. Unless, of course, the Church is willing to throw extra millions to clear the claims by Nam Fatt and or the sub-contractors and to induce a new contractor to quickly re-commence and complete the abandoned project without going through the rigmarole of project due diligence, engineering surveys and valuation.
Just like PG’s past failed visions for Calvaryland, a 5,000-seat church in Sri Hartamas and a redevelopment of the existing Damansara Heights sanctuary into a multi-storey horse-shoe design church, his vision of the RM200 million 5,000- seat CCC now appears to be heading the same direction of another failure.
With the impending CCC Fund-raising Carnival that will be held later this month, we wonder what propaganda would be churned out to mitigate this damaging news. Be prepared to hear comments like "It's not that serious", "Just a slight delay only", "Don't listen to the devil", "Trust God" and all those 'feel good' factors, the 'Calvary Boleh" and 'all is well' messages.
BY God's divine wisdom and guidance, CT received the following article just 3 days ago from a member. CT wanted to verify the statements therein before publishing it. Yesterday’s announcement has confirmed that the CCC project has indeed stopped. There are many interesting questions raised by the author, which only PG and his deacons can answer. With what has happened, the situation now demands that PG and his deacons come out openly with truthful answers. No more lies, Pas Prince Guneratnam!
(The following article was contributed by a long-serving member)
Received ‘very reliable’ confirmation that construction works for CCC had stopped due to non-payment to the Sub-Contractors (SC). Sources revealed that the church had been paying, but the problem is on the Main Contractor’s (MC) side. Another interesting revelation is that, 14th. Oct. 2009 is the official Date of Completion for the project.
Pertinent questions are begging for answers now.
1) Was there any proper due diligence done in selecting the MC; such as:-
i) Pre-tender qualifications,
ii) Tender interview conducted after submission of tender with such questions as to the ability & capability of the MC to take on a project of this magnitude with regards to financial, technical, human resource & job commitment.
iii) What was documented in the tender reports?
2) If the church decides to determine the contract, we still have to pay the MC for all the work done as per the certification of the QS, & then we are saddled with a host of problems;
i) What happened to the warranties to the work executed by the MC & his SCs, bearing in mind, whosoever tenders for the remaining portion of the work would put in a premium for this warranties as well as responsibilities for all the works previously executed.
ii). What about the defects, whether discovered earlier and documented and waiting to be rectified or yet to be discovered as well as latent defects (defects appearing in later stage). Who will be responsible, do we pay extra to the next MC to undertake the rectifications.
iii). Would the contracts of the existing SCs be determined as well, would the new MC have to work with the existing SCs, can he get along with them, or get his own SCs, what about warranties & responsibilities of the existing SCs?
All these problems have a weightage to the amount the new tenderer would bid for the job and notwithstanding that, the current cost of materials & labour.
3) What happened to our rights and remedies under the contract?
Contractually, if the MC fails to complete the project on time and if he had exhausted all avenues for application for Extension of Time, Certificate of Non-Completion would be issued and then Liquidated & Ascertained damages would be recommended by the QS, giving the client the prerogative to deduct whatever monies due to the penalty for every Certificate of Payment presented by the MC. Could the MC still continue when monies are deducted, when even he had difficulty paying his SCs when money was not deducted.
Question is, does the MC have any application of time pending, as we have heard of ‘numerous changes’ being made. If these changes are caused by the client & consultants, the MC has valid grounds.
In the light of the MC non-performance in paying the SCs & his failure to complete the project on schedule, why did the church accept the Performance Bond in the form of ‘Corporate Guarantee’(on hindsight). The church has never been in the construction business & do not know the reputation and background of contractors, why did it trust the MC to the extent of accepting a ‘Corporate Guarantee’.
‘Corporate Guarantee’ is an exception rather than the norm, as most Performance Bonds are in the form of ‘Bank Guarantee’ or at worse, ‘Insurance Guarantee’. What recourse do we have, besides determining the contract. We have to console ourselves with the tattered reputation of the MC as Performance Bond. Normally, even when the MC have submitted a Bank Guarantee as Performance Bond, the client still will be on the losing side, should the contract be determined prematurely, due to non-performance of the MC. More so in this case.
The church lost out in terms of time & money as the new premises would not ready for occupation for quite a while, should the contract of the current MC be determined.
Two examples of the ‘feel good factors’ :-
1) When the church bought the land at Bukit Jalil, it highlighted that it had got a discount for the commercial portion of the land. Even though it was at a discounted price, the church is not putting up a commercial building, for all intent & purposes, it’s a church building, so, we paid extra for a commercial land to build a church building; it is akin to buying a piece of commercial land, even though at a discounted price, but building a residential building on it. This was not made known, only a half-truth was disseminated that we got the land at a discounted price…and everyone was so happy.
2) When the construction price shot up to RM150 million, they told us that there was a reduction in the ‘contingency sum’. Now a ‘contingency sum’ is for the purpose of….A CONTINGENCY. It is prudent for any project to allocate a 5% of the total construction cost for ‘contingency sum’. However you might not have to utilize this sum. So, for them to increase the cost from RM50 million and then throw in a feel good factor that the contingency sum is being reduced is a deception. You might as well jack up the construction cost to include in the contingency sum and tell all and sundry that this project is so well planned, that there is no need of a contingency sum.
Going back a little bit further, Calvarites have all along been led by the nose in accepting the building of a 5000 seating capacity 'church', it's "God's vision" and it had to succeed come what may. Wonder whether this so-called "God's vision" encompassed the following :-
1) A RM100 million mistake. This was acknowledged by the renowned architect who wants to build a signature building. Has the BOD practiced due diligence with our money and questioned how and why this RM100 million mistake was committed.
i) Has anyone thought of filing a 'professional negligence' suit against the architect or at least lodging a complaint with Lembaga Akitek Malaysia or Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia to suspend his practice?
ii) After all, has anyone ever heard of a RM100 million mistake?
iii) Was the decision to award to him, even after knowing his religious leaning, with consensus & above board?
2) During the 2007 AGM, HJK challenged the congregation by saying that "God asked, am I not worth that much?". Yet during the 2008 AGM, he spinned a tale that 'by value engineering (which actually is another name for cost-cutting, albeit a better sounding name), the church saved RM40 million, without compromising on design intent and quality. When questioned how did he managed to do that, he was dumbfounded and had to be 'rescued' by the Project Manager who said that they changed the material for the roof from 'enamel' to 'alucobond'.
i) Is that not a compromise for quality?
ii) The question is still ringing in my ears, "Am I (God) not worth more than that?", why need to cost-cut?
If you can saved RM40 million by cost-cutting and without having to compromise on the design intent and the quality, it means in the first place, you have jacked up the actual figure and then bringing it down to look good. HJK might now clarify that he was wearing different shoes when he spoke up during the different AGMs, remember how he said that he spoke in the capacity of a life-group leader & not a deacon, when promoting Calvary Kini. Anyway, I have never trusted people with multiple personalities.
3). The building had to be scaled down due to the exorbitant cost and yet with a lower construction cost, the MC could not performed and did not pay his SCs.
i) What would have happened had the cost not be scaled down, would the stoppage happened earlier?
ii) Was the decision to award to the MC done above-board?
iii) Was there a pre-determined plan to award to the current MC despite and in spite of whatever adverse reports?
Your guess is as good as mine. Most of us have not seen the drawings, specifications & documents pertaining to CCC, much less the tender reports. There are no monthly or bimonthly updates on the building, how much was paid out, what stage had the building been up to, whether the progress of construction is ahead or delayed, nothing, zilch. The whole project is shrouded in secrecy, more stringent than the official secrets act. You only give and don't question is the mantra not only applicable to tithes & offerings but also to CCC.
iv) How long had the MC not been paying the SCs and when was this brought into the open? It surely cannot be an overnight affair.
v) What has the consultants, especially the architect been advising, since he is the superintending officer of the project and would have known all this, or is he still busy looking at his design, first thing in the morning & the last thing at night that he had forgotten to administer the contract professionally or is there another RM100 million mistake in the making?
vi) What actions have been taken by the project team and the client to resolve the situation, like making direct payments to the SCs, so that the project can continue?
vii) Why is the church still paying the MC until now, is there something you & I don't know?
Anyway you look at it, the church members will have to bear the brunt of this fiasco.
“ Abraham was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (Heb 11:10) ; Calvarites are forced to look forward to a building without foundations of Truth, Transparency & Godly Governance, whose architect is a Free Mason and the builder is a default-paying MC.
“Abraham believed in God and it was imputed to him as righteousness” (Rom 4:3); Calvarites were made to believe in a Tan Sri/Dato’/Dr but it can only be imputed to them as blind or misguided faith.