Today we reverence God for 2000 years ago, He gave us His only Son, to die for our sins so that we all may have eternal life. Let us all come before Him with humble hearts to remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us and we bring a sacrifice of our worship and thanksgiving to Him.
We received this interesting Obituary written about Jesus' death.
Jerusalem OBITUARIES, 33AD

Died Friday on Mount Calvary, also
known as Golgotha, the place of the skull.
Betrayed by the apostle Judas,
Jesus was crucified by the Romans,
by order of the Ruler Pontius Pilate.
The causes of death were crucifixion,
extreme exhaustion, severe torture,
and loss of blood.
Jesus Christ, a descendant of Abraham,
was a member of the house of David.
He was the Son of the late Joseph,
a carpenter of Nazareth, and Mary,
His devoted Mother. Jesus was born
in a stable in the city of Bethlehem, Judea.
He is survived by His mother Mary, His
faithful Apostles, numerous disciples,
and many other followers.
Jesus was self educated and spent
most of his adult life working as
a Teacher. Jesus also occasionally
worked as a Medical Doctor and
it is reported that he healed many patients.
Up until the time of His death,
Jesus was teaching and sharing the Good News,
healing the sick, touching the lonely,
feeding the hungry, and helping the poor.
Jesus was most noted for telling parables
about His Father’s Kingdom and
performing miracles, such as feeding
over 5,000 people with only five loaves
of bread and two fish, and healing a man who
was born blind. On the day before His death,
He held a Last Supper celebrating the
Passover Feast, at which He foretold His death.
The body was quickly buried in a stone grave,
which was donated by Joseph Arimathea,
a loyal friend of the family. By order of
Pontius Pilate, a boulder was rolled in
front of the tomb. Roman soldiers
were put on guard.
In lieu of flowers, the family has
requested that everyone try to
live as Jesus did. Donations may
be sent to anyone in need.
Thank You, Lord, for the Cross. I worship You as my Lord and King! Salvation belongs to You, and by Your stripes, the 39 stripes that You bore for me on Calvary's cross, I am healed. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.
Easter is all about our Lord Jesus Christ ... He is Risen! ... Happy Easter and God Bless!
Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins. We are forever grateful for Your Love and for Your Mercies. We know that we are serving a living God, and we know that all things will work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose!
Now that CT/TTG has categorically stated that they have not initiated any moves to disrupt the Easter Celebrations, it has become very clear who the trouble-makers are.
All the claims of impartiality, fairness and straight-truth is now debatable.
The alternative blog by posting such a ethically and morally questionable article is vicious and malicious.
The following possibilities are there:
(1) If there is no disturbance,
the alternative blog may say
nothing happened because they
have forewarned the people;
(2) By posting this article, the
alternative blog is attempting
condemn and discredit CT/TTG;
(3) Getting people to support
their cause and get their
(4) If the non-CT/TTG can resort to
such dirty tactics, they might
even plant a few of their
sympathisers and then blame it
on CT/TTG.
Who is twisting facts now? The alternative blog has lost its credibility.
As I write this, I do not know whether any untoward incidents has happened at the venue of our celebrations. I pray that nothing has disrupted our easter celebrations.
Some reflections from God's Word:
Micah 6:6-8
6. "With what shall I come
before the LORD
and bow down before the
exalted GOD?
Shall I come before Him
with burnt offerings,
with calves a year old?
7. Will the LORD be pleased
with thousands of rams,
with ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I offer my firstborn for
my transgression,
the fruit of my body for
the sin of my soul?
8. He has showed you, O man,
what is good.
And what does the LORD
require of you?
To act justly and to
love mercy
and to walk humbly with
your GOD."
Surely it is not about sacrifices or burnt offerings nor our gifts to GOD BUT it is about our hearts and attitudes and our conduct, whether we act justly and love mercy and righteousness and whether we walk humbly with our GOD.
May God cleanse our hearts and grant us a renewed heart, mind and spirit to love Him and do what is pleasing to Him.
We thank our heavenly Father that because of the Cross we have hope, joy and assurance of victory over death and sin.
Hallelujah! Our Saviour lives!
I was at last night's Easter presentation and I am glad to report there was no disturbance or commotion contrary to what CU/CK reported would happen.
It was assuring to see Calvarites working together as ushers, altar workers, security, etc to ensure a smooth running of the whole presentation.
We serve a risen Saviour and God, not SP, pastors or BOD. Amen.
I was at last night's Easter presentation & i was blessed by it. I was also ecstatic that PG1 did not preach a sermon - I think this was the FIRST time this has happened - it proves that it is not his sermons that bring the souls into the Kingdom but God's mercy & compassion & His very presence and anointing brought in by the message of the cross clearly portrayed through the show.
Syabas to Calvary Today! You are making a great impact for good! I am sure PG1 realised, through reading this blog, that we do not want to listen to the preaching of a man who does not practise what he preaches!
He is also sounding more humble nowadays - I remember he used to 'ooze with pride' everytime he took over the pulpit at these presentations, strutting his stuff like he was 'the man of the hour.'
He gave the impression last night that he is such a kind, gentle, patient, forgiving person - hahaha! what a laugh! Our memories of him at the EGM showed a very, very different person indeed!
All that talk about SIN and being 'free from SIN' coming from his mouth last night sounded very hypocritical, though! It was all I could do not to vomit!
YouTube Easter Presentation
Dear Brothers & Sisters of Calvary Church. Have a blessed Easter and may the Lord complete His excellent work which He has began in each of you.
Please watch the You Tube video on the RISEN LORD dedicated to Calvary Church. To enable more to watch, I had to reduce the bandwidth for easier download and apologise for the quality.
The URL is:
I was there both nights ... inspite of the rain and tonight (Saturday) where there were 2 other events (football and Akademia Fantasia) happending, the attendance for both nights and especially tonight was great! It is encouraging to note that those who attended the Easter Presentation for the past 2 nights have been blessed ... the other comments, well they are not necessary are they?
It is after all Easter! Jesus is Risen! He is Lord! God Bless!
Absolutely Fantastically amazing.
Praise the Lord.
The Easter presentation by CC and the crews is like Hollywood in 3D
and the special effect fireflies were so real in
springing alive so much so like you like to catch them as I overheard from one kid.
Can some computer savvy put in in the You Tube ?
A lot of work has been done and & thank God, indifferences were left at the feet of Jesus and you can see so many hungry & thirsty souls - friends, families surging their way to receive the gift from God. Some sobbing, some crying, some hurting and most satisaction of all, they all found Jesus in their hearts.
Thank God I didnt give the presentation a missed .
Hope some of you will come for the Sunday night presentation
Have A Blessed Easter to all of you.
Despite the rain,grid-locked traffic ( caught after the lively presentation with a Pastor from another church directing traffic), joined by Football fans & Fantasia fans, there was a very good turn out by people from all walks of life & like all Easter
services, there was a shower of blessing to cool the Bukit Jalil stifiled air
From a distance, it was also the first time you can see Pastors mingling & jotting particulars from the sea of people.
Most surprising, you can also see
one of G's family active participation and Yes, SP, we like to see more of G's mixing with the grassroots. We didnt see SP & SAP sitting at the front pew but we like you too, to meet & greet your sheeps at the entrance.
Wishing all af you a blessed Easter.
God Bless You.
Yes, SP, you are forgiven.
Truly this Easter service when you stood at the Pulpit to ask forgiveness from all of us.
With it in your forgiveness, we know your sincererity when you reinstate Dr. Lum
God Bless you
Church AGM
Place : Calvary Church, DH
Date : 19th June,2009
Time : 7 pm
Do check out the notice board from church, it was posted up on 12 April. Someone went to check already. Announcement was made after the Bukit Jalil Morning Service.
As CT mentioned earlier.
Since the poll date has been fixed,
kindly proceed to meet SP with your agenda including the new nominees for deaconship.
Let SP practiced what he has preached and have a polling survey done.
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