Monday, April 6, 2009

Chinese Translation of Dr Lum's Interview


Mandarin said...

wow..the mandarin translation is very good le...

Admirer said...

Well done! Now the Chinese congregation will be able to know the true story.

DesperateForChange said...

More people need to ask questions!

Spiritual Awakening said...

More Shall be Awakened....

The leadership used to think that Mandarin congregation can be easily influenced and swayed by pastors and full time workers.

But when they are encouraged to find out themselves and the Holy Spirit opens their eyes the truth shall prevail.

Truth, Justice and Righteousness shall prevail in Calvary Church!

There is a powerful Spiritual Awakening..... God is sending His special visitation to CC!

BM reader said...

How about translating to BM? Thanks.


It's time our Chinese sis & bro. too must discern for themselves the TRUTH.

It was shocking that when the leaflet was handed out to the chinese speaking members, the full time worker actually, insisted they should not read any of the information furnished!

So. it is indeed true,SP/BOD/Ass Pas and staff ( under their ORDER) BLOCK those who want to know the truth from getting it.

By Order, coercion, oppression, etc, do they really believe they will succeed in hiding truth?

If there are lies & truth in CC, let members discern for themselves. Isn't it the same, when we accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour --the individual decides, not the Pastor or anyone for that matter' Force' it upon him/her.

Trouble is, SP & gang like to kid themselves that the elderly are easily hookwink, and that every member is a moron.

Truth Speaks Out said...

We shall not despair because the truth will be revealed to our Chinese speaking brethern too.

There is a powerful Chinese saying: "You cannot use paper to wrap up fire."

Likewise we believe our Chinese speaking brethern will come to know the truth despite whatever high-handed tactics adopted by the church leadership. When these brothers' and sisters' eyes are opened they will stand up for the truth too.

GOD is faithful and gracious to all His children.

There is a powerful spiritual awakening in Calvary Church.


Chinese Congregation not "Dumb Sheep" said...

Most of them have known the true story

U won't be surprised some Chinese speaking folks are bi-lingual. Even Many aunties have known the true story and heard that they called each others up and expressed unhappiness and disappointment over the church leadership, especially SP and his family had misused the church money. Aiya, not need to BLOCK and try to hide the truth from them leh. Quote from Truth Speaks Out "You cannot use paper to wrap up fire". Just because they keep quiet or they don't speak English, don't mean that they are "dumb sheep".

纸不能包火 said...




TEH said...

The translation for the above is like this:

"Paper cannot wrap up fire!" When there are mistakes they must be dealt with. If one is stubborn and try to cover them up, then more will be revealed and it will be more and more embarrassing. It is obvious paper can't be used to wrap up fire. This will bring disgrace to the Lord."

Thankful said...

Thanks Teh for the translation. You did TTG & CT a favour becoz from what I know, those TTG guys that I know don't know how to read chinese. Many of us also don't know. Good for you.

"Hua Ye" said...

Hi "Ze Pu Neng Pau Huo"

I can also write in mandarin, but dont know how to use the computer way. Anyway, your "hua ye" is " Mou Tuck Tein", hou zi le...

kuai-kuai ci pau zin hou le...( better go quickly to report police)

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