Thursday, January 28, 2010

WHY I USE "ALLAH." by Pastor Eu Hong Seng

This is a very brave and courageous article written by the Chairman of the NECF, Pastor Eu Hong Seng with regards to the “Allah” issue.
We publish this article here in CT because we see a lot of similarities between the Church in Malaysia fighting for the right to use the word “Allah” and the Concerned Calvarites or TTG fighting for the rights of the members to put in Resolutions at a General Meeting to be voted on by all Church Members.

We suggest you read this article twice. First as a Christian in Malaysia, as the article is originally intended for. Then a second time, as a Calvarite in the midst of the CC Saga.



Wednesday, 27 January 2010 06:59

If it is suggested by adherents of the respective faiths, this could perhaps be more acceptable. But when followers of one faith, suggest (and insist) that believers of another faith, re-write their Scriptures to pander to their “unsubstantiated convictions” then we are not too far from the “height of arrogance.”

By Eu Hong Seng, Pastor

A layman’s perspective

In the current ongoing debate, some are of the opinion that Christians should just give in and forego the use of the word “Allah” so that the threats and attacks on churches will stop and Malaysia can continue to enjoy her peace and move on unhindered to developed nation status.
Now, more than ever the country needs clear-minded Malaysians and not “confused” citizens, Christians included.

There are ten salient facts and reasons and I would like to address these to the ordinary man in the street and lay people in the Church.1.

1. The use of "Allah" predates Islam
"Allah" is the Arabic name for God, and it indeed pre-dates Islam and even Christianity. The pagan Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula called God "Allah," even though they worshipped hundreds of idols in addition. Christians all across the Arab World today use the word "Allah" for God, and if one were to read an Arabic Bible, he would find that God is indeed called "Allah."

"Allah" is also the name that Jesus Christ called God. "Allah" is the Arabic equivalent of "Elohim," which is Hebrew for God. The "im" is a plural appendage of respect, and so the word is "Eloh," which is very similar to "Allah." In addition, the Aramaic word for God is "Alaha," and Aramaic was the language which Jesus himself spoke. Moreover, the word "Allah" is found in the English version of the Bible which we read today. In Matthew 27:46 we read: "About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' - which means, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'" The word "Eloi" is the Aramaic form of the Arabic "Allah."2

It is important to know the fact that Christians in Malaysia didn’t start using “Allah” only recently, as some contend.

2. It is used all over the world by Christians.
The Arabic word is commonly used by Christians to describe God in such countries as Egypt, Syria and Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation.

So it is not just a Malaysian word, for the Malaysian context only. One cannot just decide to copyright an “international” word and hope to escape ridicule.

And anybody in Malaysia can tell you that it is more than just one word that can be involved. The focus now may be on one word, thereafter the contention will be expanded to include other words, and at a later stage any other word or words that the “authorities” may so decide.

3. “Allah” was used by East Malaysians before Malaysia was formed
The SIB church was formed in Sarawak in 1928, nearly 30 years before Malaysia's independence, and they were already using “Allah” in their worship and literature.

And some of them don’t even speak BM or English, only their own mother tongue and in their mother tongue, the word used is “Allah.”

So it’s not only the Alkitab, the BM Bible. The other Scriptures which use “Allah” are the Kelabit and Lunbawang Bibles.

Daniel Raut, a senior leader of SIB Church — the largest Malay-speaking congregation in the country — said it will not drop the use of the word "Allah," even though Christians fear for their safety.

"Since our forefathers become Christians in the 1920s, we have been using Allah even in our mother tongue," said Raut, who is from the Lunbawang tribe in eastern Sarawak state.

Furthermore, how does one propose that its use be restricted to East Malaysians only? What happens when they come to work in West Malaysia? What about the thousands who are already in West Malaysia? What about our existing West Malaysia Bahasa Malaysia churches?

What happens when an East Malaysian crosses over to Labuan (a Federal Territory) for the weekend?

Some proponents of the “East Malaysia only” concept take it a step further and suggest (to those of us in West Malaysia), “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Though debatable, the new political landscape has all the major political parties, including the key partners of the Barisan, not aligned with Caeser, on this issue.

The Malay equivalent is “Masuk kandang lembu, menguak. Masuk kandang kambing mengembek” (When entering the cattle pen, moo. When entering the goat pen, bleat).

Perhaps it is time the new minority, moo and bleat with the majority.

4. The success of our National Language education policy
Since the introduction of the National Language policy, our emerging generation has become more proficient in Bahasa Malaysia. And with the continued emphasis, the next two generations can be expected to be not only proficient but dependent on the Bahasa Malaysia as the lingua franca in our nation.

Alongside the Allah contention, there are clear intentions to further impose restrictions on other words like “Injil” (Gospel) and “firman” (Word).3

So the logical question we all are asking is “how would this pan out?”

Any strategists will tell you that in winning the generational war, ignore the “old diehards” and focus on the future generations.

Our grandchildren and great grand-children, will find themselves reluctant to read Scriptures in a language in which they are less proficient and also not be able to access the Alkitab, and also, perhaps be the first generation who have never heard of “firman” and “Injil?”

I can understand the zeal of the government to Islamize the nation,4 but I pray that they will do so with honesty and integrity. “Bring all to the table” and aim for the hearts. Malaysians will respect you for that.

But no coercion, no bullying, no media misrepresentation, no scrambling the minds of our children and no re-writing of Scriptures!

But I also pray that by the same token and in the true spirit of religious freedom, the day will soon come, when others, if they so desire be allowed to share their respective faiths with our Muslim friends as is fully acceptable and permissible in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. Surely Indonesia is a great example to us on what freedom of religion is all about.

Sharing one’s faith with another should not be narrowly interpreted as with ‘intent to convert’. Understanding one another’s faith is surely an excellent way of promoting goodwill, peace and harmony among the multi religious population in this lovely country of ours.

Under the present circumstances, the many proposed “inter faith dialogues” and formation of councils to facilitate such dialogues will be nothing but a monologue, as the other faiths are “gagged” in the name of the constitution.

5. Used by others as well
The Sikhs use “Allah” in their Scriptures. Do we stop them next?

What about Hindus, who also refer to one of their gods as "Allah?"

Rigveda is the most sacred scripture of the Hindus, and one of the attributes given to God Almighty in Book no 2 Hymn no I verse II, is ‘Ila’ which if pronounced properly is the same as Allah5.

So it is not a Christian issue alone. What the Christians are asked to do, the Sikhs and the Hindus will be asked to do, eventually.

6. Constitutional right to "manage" our own religion
This right must include how we address our God.

Over enthusiastic bureaucrats, consequentially are interfering with the worship & education of Christians – CDs have been confiscated, Sunday School materials are held up by customs, besides the confiscations of the Alkitab.

According to Prof. Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi6, the Malaysian Constitution provides that Islam is the religion of the federation. But all other religions may be practised in peace and harmony:
Article 3(1).

In respect of religion, every person has the right to three things:

1. To profess
2. To practice
3. And, subject to Article 11(4), to propagate his religion: Article 11(1)

Every religious group has the right to:
1. Manage its own affairs
2. Establish and maintain institutions for religious purposes.
3. Acquire and own property and administer it: Article 11(3).
4. Establish and maintain institutions for religious education: Article 12(2).7

Our constitutional right, to manage our own affairs, to practice religion freely has been increasingly under threat particularly over the past two decades.

7. Dictating what should be in the Scriptures of a major religion in the world
This suggestion that another word be used is perhaps “the biggest joke.”

Whether one agrees or not about the word is not the main issue.

The basic issue, lest we forget the obvious, is that each and every religious Scriptures is the sacred book – of Christians (including the Kelabit and Lunbawang), the Sikhs and the Hindus. We are not talking about some supplementary textbooks or a "pseudo scripture" just written recently.

Are those who argue for a substitute word suggesting that all these Holy Books be re-written to accommodate a few?

If it is suggested by adherents of the respective faiths, this could perhaps be more acceptable. But when followers of one faith, suggest (and insist) that believers of another faith, re-write their Scriptures to pander to their “unsubstantiated convictions” then we are not too far from the “height of arrogance.”

I know Malaysia is “boleh-land” but this move to “force” the other religious groups to rewrite their Scriptures is preposterous.

8. Prominent scholars of Islam and Muslim organizations have supported the use of "Allah" by Christians
In Malaysiakini dated 13th Jan 2010, Constitutional Law expert Abdul Aziz Bari contends that it is pretty clear that the use of Allah by Christians has some basis in the Quran.

This is strengthened by the exposition of eminent scholars, including Egyptian scholar Shaykh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (Maal Hijrah award recipient 2009) who said that Christians, as part of the Abrahamic faiths together with the Jews and Muslims, can use the word 'Allah'.8

Earlier on, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) on 4 Jan 2010, also issued a statement viz –

“With regards to actual and historical practices, Christian Arabs have been using the word “Allah” to refer to God in their religious sources since the inception of Islam, and have never been challenged by private Muslims or Muslim governments on this ground. Islamic law is clear that followers of the Christian faith have the right to practice their religion according to their own religious teachings.

We call on the Malaysian government to uphold the religious freedom of Christians and to let the court ruling stand. We also urge Muslim NGOs to respect Islamic teachings and long-held Islamic traditions, and to withdraw their opposition to the use of the word “Allah” by their Christian compatriots.”9

We would like to hear from our government a more coherent and intelligent response to these prominent voices than simply quote “this is Malaysia.”

9. Our State Anthems will take on a new meaning.
How does one sing the state anthems of Selangor, Kedah, Pahang, Johor, Kelantan and Trengganu now, since there are references to “Allah” in these songs, as it is now implied to refer to the Muslim God only?

In schools, about 30 years ago, we were told we were singing to “God.” Now are our children to sing only to one particular God?

See appendix for list of affected State Anthems.

Unless, of course, one is liberal and don't mind singing to all gods or any god or just the Muslim god.

10. We need to keep in mind that there was "good harmony" in the first 30 years after Merdeka, with freedom to use "Allah."
It never was an issue until enthusiastic politicians promulgated the infamous ISA gazette in 1982, referring to the Alkitab as a document “prejudicial to the national interest and security of the Federation.”

The rest is history.

What an insult! But the Christian community has always been a peace loving people.

For the sake of harmony, Christians engaged in closed door meetings in the past, to negotiate “restricted use” of the word rather than to bring it to the courts. And we were always assured by the government that we could use our Alkitab.

But today, they are saying we cannot use the word and the various government agencies started confiscating various Christian materials, not just the Alkitab. And the claim is we "used to accept it" – but that's because we have been tricked into negotiating behind closed doors in the name of the Malaysian culture of "talk and resolve quietly." So because “nobody” heard from us, now they take advantage and say, we accepted it all this while. This is absolutely not true. Christians have been moaning, complaining, objecting and writing to the government for years.

Should we concede for the sake of peace alone? Friends, the days of closed door meetings - where our views are deliberately misrepresented10 and compromised - where the minority is always bullied and threatened into submission for the sake of harmony and in the name of sensitivity, are perhaps over?

It is indeed sad, that after 52 years of independence, the country is still not ready for mature dialogue, and is still struggling to hear the voice of reason.

This is not a race issue, this is not a Malay supremacy issue, this is not even a religious issue.

And this is definitely not an East-West Malaysia issue.11

Before us are simply constitutional and “human rights” issues, a call to respect the spiritual convictions and Scriptures of other faiths. This is simply a call to exercise common sense and to respect boundaries – ie no rewriting Scriptures!

I hope and pray that the above facts and reasons would help Christians understand that we are not insisting on using “Allah” to "irritate" the “easily confused people” of the land.

We continue to pray for peace and seek a reasoned solution, so that Malaysia can indeed shine as a land so affectionately known as “truly Asia.”

Eu Hong Seng

Appendix – State Anthems

Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Selamat di atas takhta
Allah lanjutkan usia Tuanku
Rakyat mohon restu bawah Duli Tuanku
Bahagia selama-lamanya
Aman dan sentosa
Duli Yang Maha Mulia

Allah selamatkan Sultan Mahkota
Berpanjangan usia diatas Takhta
Memelihara agama Nabi kita
Negeri Kedah serata-rata

Dilanjutkan Allah usianya Sultan
Adil dan murah memerintah watan
Ditaati rakyat kiri dan kanan
Iman yang soleh Allah kurniakan
Allah berkati Perak Ridzuan
Allah selamatkan Negeri dan Sultan.

Allah peliharakan Sultan
‘Nugrahkan dia segala kehormatan
Sihat dan ria, kekal dan makmur
Luaskan kuasa, menaungkan kami
Rakyat dipimpini berzaman lagi
Dengan Merdeka bersatu hati
Allah berkati Johor
Allah selamatkan Sultan

Ya Allah Yang Masa Kuasa,
Lanjutkan Usia Duli Yang Maha Mulia,
Dirgahayu, Darul Makmur,
Aman dan Bahagia Sentiasa,
Ya Allah Selamatkan Duli Tuanku Raja Kami

Allah daulatkan Tuanku Sultan,
Terengganu Darul Iman,
Allah peliharakan Tuanku Sultan,
Sejahtera sepanjang zaman,
Allah rahmatkan Tuanku Sultan,
Memerintah rakyat aman.

Lanjutka usia Al-Sultan kami
Sultan Kelantan raja ikrami
Aman sentosa Tuhan sirami
Kekal memerintah kami
Kasih dan taat setia disembahkan
Keriangan diucapkan
Segala kebesaran Allah cucurkan
Bertambah kemuliaan

To bring this article closer home to us in Calvary Church, Kuala Lumpur, we borrow Pastor Eu’s words and reproduced them to read like this:

But the Calvary Church community has always been a peace loving people.

For the sake of harmony, TTG members engaged in closed door meetings in the past, to negotiate the issues of Truth Transparency and Godly Governance in the running of Calvary Church, rather than to bring it to the courts. And we were always assured by the Senior Pastor and Deacons that we could use our Church Constitutional rights at our AGMs to exercise our rights as church members to voice our opinions and to make decisions by way of voting so that the members voices are heard and carried out as allowed by our Church Constitution

But today (as decided by PG and Deacons since last AGM), they are saying we cannot use the Church Constitution and the various Church leaders have started rejecting all the Resolutions put in for consideration by members at the EGMs and the last AGM thereby confiscating the fundamental rights of the church members to vote at an AGM. And the claim is we "used to accept it" – but that's because the Church members have been tricked into negotiating behind closed doors in the name of the Christian and Church culture of "talk and resolve quietly." So because “nobody” heard from the Concerned Members, (many in the past and the present TTG) now PG, Pastors and Deacons of CC take advantage and say, we accepted it all this while. This is absolutely not true.

Different Concerned Members have been moaning, complaining, objecting and writing to the Church leadership for more than 20 years. (Many have said their peace and left to worship in other churches)

Should we concede for the sake of peace alone? Friends, the days of closed door meetings - where our views are deliberately misrepresented and compromised - where the Church Members are always bullied (i.e removed from church membership as in Dr Lum) and threatened (i.e axed from serving in church ministries) into submission for the sake of Christian Love and in the name of bearing a good testimony, are perhaps over?

It is indeed sad, that after 49 years of existence, the Church is still not ready for mature dialogue, and is still struggling to hear the voice of reason.

This is not a Christian Love issue, this is not a Touch not God’s anointed issue, this is not even a Forgive and Forget your pastor issue.

And this is definitely not a maintaining a good Christian Testimony in Malaysia issue.

Before us are simply constitutional and “human rights” issues, a call to respect the spiritual convictions and Godly principles held by members of Calvary Church. This is simply a call to exercise common sense and to respect boundaries and rights of Calvary members whose monetary contributions are paying for the salaries of the Pastors who are now "biting the hands which feed them".

We hope and pray that the above facts and reasons would help Calvarites understand that TTG brothers and sisters, are not insisting on using the AGM to propose RESOLUTIONS to be voted upon by members to "irritate" the “easily confused people” of the church.

We continue to pray for peace and seek a reasoned solution, so that Calvary Church can indeed shine as a great testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ, so affectionately known as a fountain-head church in Malaysia and the world over.

Adapted by CT Administrators


Ugly Facts said...


Do you know that:
SP in his counter plan to fight against the TTG, purposely imported his American buddy Dr G, the socalled CC founder member, during the AGM ? Do you know Dr G's plane fares, hotel expenses, meals costs, etc were all picked up by CC ? Ever wondered why Dr G, so "graciously sacrificed all his earlier scheduled meetings" by turning up at CC's AGM ? Of course some of us ignorant sheep were not informed of the secret incentive given by SP, using CC funds, to Dr G, amounting to US 10 grand (yes, ten thousand US) ! Not bad, eh - USD 10,000.00 for just one trip !

Now you know when Dr G, was so aggressive and bullying to TTG during the AGM, unilaterally making new rules on the spot, eg allowed to use microphone three times only, voting members only allowed to speak (associate members shut up although you also paid thithes, faith promises, faith pledges, love offerings, etc), allowed only two minutes (otherwise the PG group in audio visual room, just switched off
the microphone, shaming you to return to your seats).

Can you imagine such terribly unChristian public behaviour by a founding member of your own church ?

And SP nominate that Dr G's application into CC's membeship should be quickly endorsed and accepted, so tha "he can really be part of the family in CC, here in KL" !!!

We beg you please - wake up, people. Check out the facts.

For the survival of CC's integrity and continued spiritual growth, please be brave enough to face the reality, the Truth from God that your SP is no saint.

Believe it or not !

Ugly Facts said...


Do you know that :
Recently Nik Aziz, a local political leader, concluded it a wise move to ask his son in law to step down from being the CEO of a state related organisation, in a strategy to remove accusations of conflict of interests and nepotism.

It is very interesting to observe that such wisdom is and can be exercised by a local political leader in the light of such a situation.

Yet don't you ask how come SP does not exercise such wisdom, to remove accusations of nepotism and cronyism ?

Does it not strike us very abnormal and illogical for SP to name his own son Jm G, as the PROJECT DIRECTOR, yes repeat PROJECT DIRECTOR - of the prestigious and gigantic CCC PROJECT, costing hundreds of millions of Ringgit Malaysia ?

With all due respect to Jm G, what RELEVANT DIRECTORIAL, MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING, PROFESSIONAL qualifications does Jm G has to justify his occupying his highly senior post of PROJECT DIRECTOR ?
How many RELEVANT WORKING YEARS as PROJECT DIRECTOR has Jm G prior to his appointment by SP to qulaify him to be PROJECT DIRECTOR ?


Yet desite the public announcement by SP, although a ONE LINER STATEMENT that CCC was facing SOME MINOR PROBLEMS with NF, no othe information was forthcoming from the CC leaders and the PROJECT DIRECTOR !!! Does Jm know the technicalities of various building materials, the different types of grades, the several forms of materials, the distinct comparisons among suppliers, the multiple comparisons among supplies of building materials, the determining costings involved, the vital ways of sourcing materials, the different ways of sourcing out quality manpower, working schedules, project schedules ? Does he know how to ensure NOT being shortchanged in quality of builing materials, NOT being cheated in quantity of building materials, NOT being manipulated by the various parties invloved ? Why was the project not on schedule ? Was there proper project monitoring ? Were his subordinates including Project managers properly and constantly updating and advising him ? How well does he assess all the reports and information inputs ? Frinds, being a PROJECT DIRECTOR is NOT, DEFINITELY NOT, a goyang kaki job. IT is a very SERIOUS REPONSIBILITY, SP and Jm G !

Are we really dumb sheep or what ?

Now we all know. Believe it or not ....

more....... said...

Further to Ugly Facts said....Part 2, may I add. After the EGM, Dr. G sent an open letter to Whom It May Concern dated Sep.19, 2008.

In that letter, he touches on CCC. Correct me if I am wrong - his purpose here was to chair the EGM and CCC was not a subject of discussion at the EGM.

What appalled me was this statement by DR. G, quote "The design of the building by a "freemason" is of no great consequence."

How can Dr. G condone "freemasonry"? As USA is his home, does he not know that many churches does not accept members who are freemasons and AOG is one such church!!! He also said that "The appearance of the CCC as resembling a "serpent" is a matter of superstition or imagination." The serpent is a symbol of freemasonry. Is Dr. G really ignorant or make himself ignorant?

Well, Ugly Facts, USD10k does wonders, doesn't it?

Chris Sng said...

I read some articles by some Muslim writers and my thoughts are with them in the way Paul would deal with the controversy on food and praying in tongues.

Thus, if it upsets our Muslim brothers, I would rather use Adonai, Elohim, Jehovah, Tuhan, especially in newsletters and preaching the Word, though when we read the Scriptures, we may read verbatim.


Do something! said...

Hi Chris Sng,

I have to disagree with you on your point "Thus, if it upsets our Muslim brothers, I would rather use Adonai, Elohim, Jehovah, Tuhan, especially in newsletters and preaching the Word, though when we read the Scriptures, we may read verbatim."

I believe we Christians have been a very tolerant and peace-loving community. But when comes to facts, truths, rights, transparency etc. we have got to stand up and defend our faith and beliefs. I wonder who are the writers you were referring to that feel upset. Let us look at the facts and discuss in a logical sense, and not by emotions or with a personal hidden agenda (I'm referring to the so called upset muslim writers). If these so called upset writers feel offended, why aren't the world muslim scholars and the PAS scholars agreeing with them? Personally I respect the Pakatan Rakyat stand with regards to this issue especially YAB Tok Guru Nik Aziz and YB Khalid Samad.

Let us not be trapped by these few "irresponsible, opportunists and bankrupt" politicians with their sandiwara. We Christians should be one in this Allah issue. That's why the article written by Pastor Eu Hong Seng is so apt and hit the nail on the head. Thank you so much Calvary Today for sharing and publishing that article. I totally agree with CT that we should read the article at least TWICE, once as a Christian in Malaysia and second as a Calvarite.

Why as a Calvarite, you may ask. This is because there are still many "tidak apa" attitude members in Calvary Church today that dare not stand up for truth, transparency and good governance for all that are happening in CC. They murmur and complain behind; that's the most they would do. But when comes to the moment of truths, they remain silent and wait for the rest to move forward.

Likewise, if we want to see change in our country, as in our church, we must first change and put actions into our words. Don't be an armchair critic. Words are cheap and visions are free! Do something!

Anonymous said...


Do you know that :
in the simplest analysis, there are basically three (3) responses to the present crisis facing Calvarites ?

Do you agree if we categorize them into 3 basic groupings, namely

We believe this category of Calvarites, most likely, have come to the eventual conclusion that they are not/will not be happy continuing to attend CC services
under the present leadership and current management style. We guess majority of them do not want to "rock the boat", choosing to leave quietly and discreetly, to "greener pastures" viz other churches. Some among them adjust very well in the newfound greener pastures. Some others may face problems, by not adjusting or adapting to the new settings, new surroundings, new social networks, new church overall. However, some others perhaps could not move on, and start back sliding.
This category of Calvarites include those who are "blissfully ignorant" of what's happening / what's not ocurring. Some are diehard Calvarites, totally loyal to PG and his group, just refusing to believe any accusations against their SP, even hating TTG. Some could perhaps fear shifting to other churches, being so entrenched in their comfort zones among the regular seats along hte pews. Others may have been frightened into total submission by the constant brainwashing form PG and his type.
This grouping of Calvarites, dares to ask relevant questions, expects these questions to be properly answered or at least attended to in the near future, with deadlines given or agreed. They know and practise good Christian stewardship of God's wealth for trhe church and deserving communities. They do not blink at any threat to sue them, to humiliate them, to mock them, etc.
They will fight for the Truth and Good Governance. they paln and organise behind the scene.

From a distance, these three words look almost identical, EXCEPT for one distinct difference of a small yet very significant alphabet/letter.

Do a self analysis / sel test , just which category will you categorize yourselves, your families, your friends ?

Your answer will be known only to yourselves and God (of course).
However, which grouping you freely choose may affect or influence the spiritual wellbeing or converesely the decay, or even the disappearce of our beloved CC.

Please make the right choice among the tree groupsing - which one are you ?

God bless.

Anonymous said...


We agree with Ugly Facts on the three classifications of Calvarites,into FLIGHT, FRIGHT and FIGHT. What we think, we therefore are ! Our perceptions of the world, outside us, around us, and inside us, determines our attitudes which in turn affect our thinking, which eventually govern how we behave, which in turn revolves in the same circle again.

Make or break, good or bad, positive or negative ... the choice is yours and mine, ours ...
to determine CC's future - retain or remove PG, suffer in silence or reform the church.

Marketplace Christian said...

Rom 15:5-6
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Meditate on these words and let God work within us to give us wisdom and understanding to resolve the matter at hand.

Joo said...

Moses Ling,
I refer to what Ugly Facts said on 28 Jan 2010
I am no lawyer but if this is true, common sense tells me that it is NOT right for SP to lavish USD10,000/-on Dr G from USA to support his cause and in the process convinces Dr G to belittle the intelligence of congregation.

To prevent SP from abusing the funds which the faithful gave to advance the interest of His kingdom or for that matter to prevent SP from bankrupting His church, is it not possible to take out an injunction to stop SP and his cronies from handling the fund or until the court case is taken and decided.

wong said...

ccc is not just a buliding and free ticket to spend as u like.,,,prior to this imnpressive great vision of a mega ccc, i was skeptical of such manifestitions of the holy spirit,,,,but all these years everybody danced tuned to this sense of purpose.,.god presence god blesssing god great plans for cc..but isnt moeny the bottom line? the sweat and trade off each put in ..just because we thought this sp n group are god chosen elders among this cc tribe.
seemed all of us are taken for a merry go around ..schemes deciet and continual landmines are everywhere....yet we address bro and sister..perhaps it a nice and polite. deep inside sword are flight, fright or thing for sure i am not running...sp wont live forever,,he has to die soon or later,,whether there is heaven or hells for not my hard earned money n trust in this cc ..i am not letting it go n money is hard earned

really arrogant.... said...

Today at the 10:30am service at DH, PG who was as usual prompted those attending the service to respond his preaching. What really showed his arrogance was when he said "I wonder whether you are still breathing." How can he make such a remark! When one is not breathing, one is dead. Such hurting remarks can from his mouth. That shows the level of respect that he has for his sheep.

With due respect to other races, does he not realize that more than 90% of the congregation is Chinese and the auspicious day is just around the corner. No, it is not about racial nor superstition, it is respect. Respect for a person, respect for another's cultural practice

Isn't this his attitude towards others - it is always "I" and not "you" nor "we".

He has no respect nor love for his sheep but only want their money to build his dream.

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