Issue 12 : BOD Minutes of Meetings & Missions Dept Minutes
Concerns Raiseda) The current practice in CC allows for tampering and is a ‘civil offence’.
b) SP has tampered with the minutes.
c) These minutes are deliberately made to appear unanimous as objections and abstentions are not recorded.
Opinions Formed
a) Main CC accounts & Missions accounts data are shredded immediately after each BOD meeting.
b) All minutes are removed after the BOD/MC meeting, locked up and then shredded after a year.
c) Deacons have no access to these minutes.
d) Abstentions & objections are deliberately not recorded in the minutes as per the Robert’s rules.
e) Deacon Bernadette informed the BOD that the minutes written by her were altered without her knowledge.
Church Perspective (BOD’s Perspective)a) Confidential handouts (bearing in mind the sometimes sensitive nature of church/gospel work) are collected and shredded so that no confidential docs are left lying around and all Deacons are aware of this.
b) Handouts which are not confidential in nature are not shredded.
c) The Deacons themselves shred (a) and Dr Lum himself has done so many times.
d) The Deacons’ personal notes made on separate books are taken back by them.
e) Each Deacon’s minutes are destroyed after a year.
f) The official copy signed off by the Secretary is kept in the Church office. The Deacon can access these any time.
g) The initialing of every page including attachments of the official minutes by the Secretary were undertaken some years ago.
h) Bernadette denies Dr Lum’s allegation about minutes being altered without her knowledge and the current Deacons do not recall her having made such an allegation.
i) Lawrence Mak’s statement April 2009.
“Minutes of the previous meeting are always (sic) out to the deacons prior to the next meeting with ample time for review. Each deacon will review the minutes prior to the next meeting and during the meeting correction, if any, will be agreed by consensus of the BOD before being minuted by the secretary. I hope this will clear the air about the process and integrity of the BOD meeting minutes.”
j) Unanimous Decisions.1) Issues are fully debated if there are any differing opinions.
2) Decisions made by the BOD are on a consensus basis.
3) Most decisions require either a simple or a two-thirds majority of the Deacons present.
4) Unanimity is only required for one specific item concerning membership.
k) Missions Minutes.1) A copy of the past Missions Minutes are given to each Committee member at least 1 week before the next meeting.
2) These Minutes are viewed and confirmed at the next meeting.
3) These Minutes are verified and signed by the Missions Director and Missions Secretary.
4) The official minutes are kept in the Missions Department office and the Missions Director and committee members have access to these at any time.
5) Each MC member has their respective file copy which is kept in the Missions Department office and shredded after 1 year.
CT CommentsWe reiterate below what Dr Lum actually said followed by our remarks in italics:
a) Dr Lum: Board minutes are taken back after each meeting and none of the deacons are allowed to keep the minutes. The BOD confirms this fact.b) Dr Lum: The minutes are locked up by the church and destroyed (shredded) after one year. The BOD confirms this fact.c) Dr Lum: Deacons have no access to their own copy of the minutes after one year. True because it had been destroyed after one year.d) Dr Lum: The Secretary mentioned at one instance that the minutes appeared to have been altered and SP admitted that he had altered it. The Secretary denies this allegation so it is Dr Lum’s word against her word. SP has kept silent.e) Dr Lum: The deacons can express their opinions but SP’s views generally supercedes those of the deacons. The BOD did not confirm if this statement about SP is true or false. They side-step the issue by repeating what Dr Lum said, which is that they are free to express their opinions.f) Dr Lum: Abstentions and objections to certain proposals are not recorded so it appears that the board decisions are unanimous. The BOD did not clarify if this allegation is true or false. But they made seemingly contradictory statements. They said “Decisions made by the BOD are on a consensus basis.” And in the same breath, they said “Most decisions require either a simple or a two-thirds majority of the Deacons present.”
Issue 12a : Senior Pastor’s views supersede the BOD’s – Issue regarding Freemason.
Concern Raiseda) SP’s views generally supersede those of the BOD.
Opinions Formed
a) Therefore the Deacons usually keep silent during BOD meeting.
b) When Dr Lum queried about the CCC Architect being a Freemason and distribute material thereto, SP was furious and none of the then Deacons except Lawrence Mak spoke up.
Church Perspective (BOD’s Perspective)a) The BOD has total freedom to express their views in the BOD meetings.
b) Decisions in the BOD are made based on the consensus of the Deacons present.
c) An agenda for the BOD meeting is distributed at least 1 week ahead of time to enable the Deacons to prepare.
d) Deacons can add items to the agenda by giving prior notice.
e) Deacons are NOT allowed to introduce new items on the day of the meeting itself as it would be disruptive and unfair to the rest at the meeting.
f) Dr Lum raised a new item at the meeting and distributed material in relation to the topic.
g) The Chairman of the BOD reminded Dr Lum of the order of BOD meetings.
h) All Deacons’ ideas are taken into consideration and discussed at the BOD meeting.
Sometimes the final decision made on these ideas bear no resemblance at all to the original idea put forward as it has been modified, re-shaped etc until it becomes one that the BOD feels is the best one to adopt for Calvary Church.
CT Comments
As mentioned earlier, Dr Lum had said that the deacons can express their opinions but SP’s views generally supercedes those of the deacons. The BOD again did not confirm if this allegation about SP is true or false but they reiterated that decisions made by the BOD are on a consensus basis. They went on to explain that Dr Lum’s raising of the Ken Yeang freemason issue vis-à-vis the Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) at a Board Meeting was rejected because it was not on the Agenda and no prior notice was given by Dr Lum to discuss the matter. This sounds similar to the BOD’s constant rejection of concerned members’ Proposed Resolutions put forward for the last 2 EGMs (despite sufficient prior notice given). Todate, there also has been no response on the 7 Resolutions submitted by concerned members for the forthcoming AGM on 19 June.
Issue 13 : Alliance Bank Loan for CCC
Concern RaisedThe legality of the BOD’s decision to take the loan.
Opinions Formed
CC’s members must approve of the loan since CC’s assets legally belong to the members.
Church Perspective (BOD’s Perspective)a) In the AGM held on 21 March 2003, the membership gave its approval to ratify the amendment to Article IV (4) of the By-Laws to read as follows:
‘purchase of any immovable property requires the specific approval (a simple majority vote) of the members at a General Meeting. The Board of Deacons may borrow money to finance the purchase or development of immovable property of the Church on such terms as it deems expedient. The Board of Deacons may also lease-out or mortgage any immovable property if the Church as it deems expedient’.
b) The purchase of the land for CC was presented to the church members for approval at an EGM on 24 January 2003.
c) A RM10 million term loan was obtained from Alliance Bank to part finance the purchase of the land. In the loan agreement, Alliance Bank asked for a first right of refusal for any future financing that may be required for the construction phase.
d) As there was an anticipated shortfall in the finances for the construction, an application to Alliance Bank was made for a bridging finance for the construction of the CCC.
e) Alliance Bank approved a bridging finance of RM35 million. This will be in 2 tranches comprising of a term loan and an overdraft.
f) The BOD had ensured that CC has the cashflow to sustain paying the instalments for the RM35 million loan.
CT Comments
There is no doubt that the BOD is empowered to borrow money to fund the construction of the CCC. Dr Lum did not say that it was illegal to borrow. His contention was that since all church assets belong to the members, the BOD must not act independently on the decision to take the loan from the bank as the decision is crucial and has legal implications. His opinion is that the BOD should seek the approval of the congregation for the loan.
We are unable to confirm but it is believed that the RM35 million loan from the bank is secured by the CCC land as well as certain properties in DH where our main church is located. If this is true, then there is a real risk that if the church is unable to service the loan, the bank can and will foreclose on our DH properties to recover their money. This will be the easiest route for the bank as attempting to sell the CCC will not be easy or impossible, if it is uncompleted. If such an event occurs, we could lose everything. Every Calvarite should be concerned about this. With the dwindling number of worshippers and inadvertently, the amount of offerings, the Church will be hard pressed to service the loan.
Another matter to think about is that the RM35 million loan plus our existing cash in hand is insufficient to complete the building of CCC which means that we may end up with an abandoned project and a host of legal suits.
Issue 14 : Rule XIV (Interpretation of Rules and By-Laws) of Calvary Church Constitution
Concerns Raiseda) That the powers vested in the BOD are absolute.
b) What was the original intention of SP and BOD in having this provision?
Opinions Formeda) Rule XIV of CC’s Constitution must be revoked with immediate effect because it excludes the members from ‘Church Governance’ and this is suspect and theologically imbalanced.
b) Any rule that fails to incorporate the BODY OF CHRST (the CHURCH MEMBERS) in the decisions of the Church is suspect and NOT OF GOD. Theologically, the BODY OF CHRIST MINISTRY is of utmost significance.
Church Perspective (BOD’s Perspective)
a) The CC Constitution is in the AOG format and therefore is not unique to only CC.
b) The CC Constitution has been in existence for so many years. It would not be right to demand for any Rule for that matter to be unilaterally revoked without a proper due diligence been carried out.
c) Dr Lum has only brought up this issue in his resignation letter and never at any of the BOD meetings.
CT Comments
The BOD’s justification that our Constitution is in line with AG’s format and has been in existence for many years is just a lame excuse. We need to change with the times and if there are any parts of the Constitution which is autocratic or no longer relevant, it ought to be brought to the members at a general meeting to be amended. This particular section has been used by the BOD to arbitrary reject the Resolutions submitted by concerned members for the last 2 EGMs. In both instances, it was a clear abuse of power by the BOD using this section. This Rule XIV must be revoked or at least amended to prevent abuse by the BOD.
Issue 15 : Nomination Committee (NC)
Concerns Raised
a) That the nomination process is not independent.
b) SP often interferes with the nomination process.
c) SP imposes his choice upon the Nomination Committee members.
d) The propriety of Edward Rajasingam’s appointment as Deacon.
Opinions Formed
a) SP often interferes with the nomination process.
b) SP imposes his choices upon the NC members but makes it look like the NC made their own choices.
c) The propriety of current deacon, Edward Rajasingam’s and past deacon Katherine Lee’s nomination.
d) Edward ought to therefore resign.
Church Perspective (BOD’s Perspective)
a) The existing nomination process is stringent and has many safeguards – refer to Flow Chart for the steps.
b) SP himself is bound by these safeguards and adheres to the same.
c) The nomination documents on Edward and Katherine show Dr Lum’s concerns to be baseless.
CT CommentsThe BOD’s presentation of the nomination process and the flow chart does not negate the fact that SP as the chairman has a strong influence on the short-listing of candidates for deaconship.
Many who have served on the nomination committee can vouch that SP arbitrarily disqualifies some of the nominees based on his “personal” knowledge of those nominees. He will say things like “This person has personal problems (or similar remarks) so he is not suitable”. He does not provide any evidence or any basis for his “personal” knowledge.
We do not have any knowledge about Katherine’s nomination or “non-nomination” but we understand that Edward was initially not nominated by any of the nomination committee members before he first became a deacon. His name was suggested by SP and out of respect or courtesy, the committee then accepted Edward as a candidate. Of course, it naturally follows that the committee members’ signatures of endorsement of Edward will then be on the nomination forms. Bro Hong Meng, who sat on the nomination committee for that particular year, will be able to testify to that. If you have read the comments in earlier blogs, you would have also read testimonies of those who have served on the nomination committees and witnessed the interference of SP in the nomination process.
Issue 16 : Appointment of Sr. Pastor
Concern Raised
a) Is Prince Guneratnam’s position as SP of CC valid?
b) Has Rule XI of the CC been contravened?
Opinions Formed
a) Rule XI of the CC has been contravened since there has been no ratification of his re-appointment.
Church Perspective (BOD’s Perspective)
a) Prince Guneratnam was appointed as SP of CC in 1972, even before the Constitution was drawn up.
b) The position of the SP can only fall vacant in specific circumstances (refer to Rule XI (1).
c) The removal of the SP under the CC is strictly governed by the provisions of the Constitution.
- Resignation
- Not re-elected by members if presented for re-election at the request of the BOD.
- Removal or disqualification.
d) As the staff grew, a handbook was necessary c.1992.
e) The retirement age of 60 applies to Pastors meaning associate Pastors.
f) SP does not automatically retire at 60, as evinced by a BOD resolution of 2/10/04 clarifying that the CC’s staff handbook does not apply to the positions of Senior Pastor and Sister Petrina.
CT CommentsThe BOD is right that under the Constitution which was established during SP’s tenure, that unless SP resigns or dies, he can only be removed or disqualified under certain circumstances and with a two-thirds majority vote of the Voting members present at a General Meeting convened for that purpose. SP has made it such that it is virtually impossible to remove him. This is the biggest flaw in our Constitution and this needs to be reviewed.
The BOD further clarified that the retirement age of 60 stated in the Staff Handbook does not apply to SP and his wife (apparently as evinced by a BOD resolution in 2004) but applies only to Pastors meaning associate Pastors. There is nowhere in the Handbook that says ‘Pastors’ mean ‘associate Pastors’.
In Section 2: Staff Classification, it is clear that Senior Pastor is the head (and obviously part) of the pastoral and ministerial team which comprises Senior Associate Pastors, Associate Pastors, Assistant Pastors and Ministerial Staff.
In Section 18: Sabbatical Leave, it is clearly stated that Senior Pastor is entitled to 9 months Sabbatical leave for every 6 years of service. Why would the Staff Handbook specify benefits for the Senior Pastor if he is not governed by the Handbook?
How can the BOD argue that SP and his wife are not subject to the Staff Handbook but at the same time, they enjoy the benefits provided therein like Sabbatical leave, annual leave, 13th month stipend etc?
On another note, we cannot accept that SP and his wife who are both past the retirement age of 60, can still insist on staying on and earn the same remuneration (perhaps more?) when they require another long serving church ministerial staff, who wanted to work past her retirement age, to accept a much reduced salary as a condition to continue working. Thankfully, that staff was smart enough to leave and today, she is happily working for another Christian organization.
Issue 17 : Sr. Pastor’s Retirement
Concern Raised
The welfare of the CC congregation.
Opinions Formed
a) SP & BOD must resign en bloc.
b) The CC leadership is responsible for the state that CC is in now.
Church Perspective (BOD’s Perspective)
a) The BOD’s position is that SP did not take any money from the Church that should compel him to return the same and this evidenced by the various independent reports – lawyer, forensic accountant and the internal auditors.
b) The Associate & Assistants Pastors as well as the entire BOD unwaveringly stand by SP.
c) It is the members’ right to vote the BOD and not an individual’s call for the entire BOD to resign.
CT Comments
We cannot comment and do not know if SP took any money from the Church but it has been proven that SP had caused or allowed RM1.9 million to be transferred from the Church Missions Fund to his personal ministry, CIM between 2002 and 2007 without the knowledge of the members. After much pressure from the concerned members and closure of CIM’s bank account following its de-registration by NECF, SP was ‘compelled’ to return the balance RM1.1 million back to Church.
On the call by Dr Lum for the BOD to resign, the BOD must accept that it is not just an individual’s call for the entire BOD to resign. It is the call of many members for the entire BOD to resign.
CT's Concluding Statement.
Looks like we have a God who still sits on the throne above every single person and is above every situation. While the pastors & BOD are now busy meeting with members in small groups behind closed doors, our God Almighty declares His Sovereignty over ALL right out in the open for all to see and be amazed and encouraged. While the pastors & BOD are spending so much time speaking for so many hours almost nightly, trying to justify the actions of the one man they so pledge to be loyal to, our Everlasting God effortlessly, paints a single Rainbow across the sky, to declare His magnificence and power over all.
We thank God for this testimony we received which we now include here as the Conclusion to the 3 part report of the special small group meetings which the church leadership has and is still planning to conduct till the coming AGM.
Karen’s Testimony
In the midst of all these confusion, with no one really having the true picture of what is happening in Calvary Church, the Church members are seemingly plunged into a deep valley. What more with members being called up for these “small group meetings” to listen and are expected to absorb all the explanations in 3 hours and walk out with their doubts all cleared up.
The TTG brothers and sisters met last night (Tuesday) for a time of discussion on the next course of action and to pray for God’s leading and direction. For once, the group was faced with confusion. We were confused not because we have mixed up facts but were confused because we cannot understand the minds of our BOD. On one hand, they quote the Church Constitution to support their actions yet on the other hand, they seem to be blatantly ignoring the Members’ Constitutional rights. I believe CT will elaborate more on this later.
We left last night’s meeting with a heavy heart and we were encouraged to seek the Lord ourselves for specific directions as to the next course of action for the coming AGM. We have done what we possibly can do as a group and we have tried to initiate meetings with the BOD for an amicable closure to this whole saga but we have not made any head-way with our Church leadership. So the question we have in mind now is, “What else can we do?”
Our God is really GOOD. When we do not know what to do, we go home, have a good night’s sleep and wait for God to show the way. I did not expect an answer so soon from God. There’s a saying, “A picture speaks a thousand words” and once again, our God painted His answer in a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
When we are caught in a “valley” situation, God sends a rainbow to remind us that HIS PROMISES are there in the “valley” for us.

This morning (Wed) while driving my children to school, I had the privilege of seeing the rainbow from the NKVE Toll gate right to the Klang / Ipoh split road. My personal interpretation of this is that God is telling us, He was with us from the start and He will guide us and show us the way, even when we come to a junction and are faced with a decision to turn left or turn right. In times like this, we need to be still and know that He is God and follow His Word – The Bible which contains all His Promises.

May you after reading this be blessed and encouraged by God and then move on to stand on His Promises.
Latest testimony added on 30 May 2009.
A sister while driving home after work was pondering over the rainbow photos and the Lord impressed on her to read the following Bible verses. She shared that God reminded her not to look for answers from "the left or right," which will lead us somewhere but may not be where God want us to be. Instead we are to look to the rainbow which is representative of God's promises, which will lead us to where God wants us to be. She shared this with us and after reading her testimony, we were very blessed by it and we hope that you too will be blessed and encouraged by the following Bible verses. (Read her e-mail to us in the Comments below posted by Calvary Today @ May 30, 2009 9:19 AM, the 47th Comment)
Proverbs 4:20-27 (The Message)"Dear friend, listen well to my words; tune your ears to my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they're bursting with health.
Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you.
Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust."
Deuteronomy 5:32-33 (NIV)“So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left. Walk in all the way that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.”
Joshua 1:7 (NIV)“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.”