Friday, September 5, 2008

8th Update to CC Members (13.09.08)

Dear Concerned Calvarites,

Many concerned members were getting really concerned that the teh tarik group has been very quiet since the recent EGM. Well, some of us have been busy travelling while others have been busy with their personal ministries, touching lives in Kingdom of God and some others busy penning letters to the deacons and fellow members and developing an internet blog for Concerned Calvarites, which we will share with you later. No, be assured that we have not abandoned our cause or left you faithful ones out there in the lurch.

To recap, the recent EGM was the best teh tarik session we have had todate and the best part of it was that it was organized by the church. Truly, great is our God! Although the Board of Deacons, in blatant disregard of our Church Constitution, rejected all our seven proposed resolutions, it was a night of victory for all the concerned members of the church. All who came, witnessed for themselves, the shameful manner in the way the deacons conducted the meeting.

Despite all their earlier assurances that everyone will be given an opportunity to share their views and despite a written letter to that effect addressed to the one of us from the deacons, they failed to keep their promises. Our deacons have clearly demonstrated that they (save for one or two) are not people who honour their word.

We were also totally shocked when one of the deacons made a remark (certainly not a question) “Who are the teh tarik members?” when answering a question on whether they will include the teh tarik members in the proposed Constitutional Review committee. That deacon has been involved in active dialogues with us representing some of the teh tarik members, received emails from us and read our updates and yet, he can, in the presence of 800 members and God, make the above remark. We hope that he will do the right thing and that is, put in his resignation immediately. Let us see whether he is man enough to do so.

To be fair, we must say that Bro Edward did try his utmost best to explain and answer most of the questions posed and Dr Guynes did his best to be fair, considering the limitations imposed on him by the deacons and Senior Pastor. Unknown to many in the sanctuary that night, SP was not just sitting there quietly. Many who were sitting in front saw him making hand signals to Dr Guynes a few times to cut short or end the meeting whenever he was uncomfortable with the questions. Thank God that Dr Guynes insisted on all questions being answered.

There were fears that the EGM will cause a split in the church but from the responses and feedback received, the contrary has happened. Many who were fence sitters previously and those who were unaware of the crisis situation in our church have now become sympathetic to our cause. Quite a number have openly declared that they will stop giving their tithes and offerings to the church. Some made a decision to leave Calvary that night while some others indicated that if SP does not leave soon, they will move to another church. Our plea to these members is “Please do not leave”. Calvary Church is our Father’s house, it is not SP’s house. SP was appointed by the members to lead the church. The members are the ones who have the right to ask him to leave, not the other way around.

Of course, many members are uneasy about “touching God’s anointed”. We have been bombarded many times with this verse from the pulpit. But let us not forget that when David said this in relation to King Saul, he was referring to physical ‘touching” that is physically harming King Saul. This has often times been preached out of context. Also, we have to remember that the keyword is “anointed”. Just as we do not subscribe to the philosophy of “once saved, always saved”, in the like manner, we should not believe in “once anointed, always anointed”. Therefore, no one can claim to be permanently anointed by God. If we do not walk right with God, His anointing upon us can depart. This can be clearly seen in the life of King Saul in the Old Testament.

So what is our next move? We have several options in mind but at this moment, we are seeking directions from the Lord. Please do pray for us and the church. For the time being, we shall continue to be the “thorn in the flesh”. We know that several members are planning certain courses of action. We will not stand in the way of anyone. Let each one abide in the Lord and do as the Spirit leads. It is, after all, His church and His battle. We are merely the vessels.

Finally, we wish to announce that we have set up 2 blogs namely:

Calvary Today at

All future updates will no longer be sent by email but will be posted on this blog. You are welcome to post your comments or give your feedback on the matters that are raised or discussed on the blog.

Berita Calvary at

On this blog, we will post articles written by third parties or obtained from online resources that we hope, will serve to encourage, edify or strengthen the faith and lives of our members in their Christian walk. Both blogs are linked, so you can easily switch from one blog to the other.

Before we conclude, we wish to share a testimony. One of our teh tarik members used part of his tithe portion to sponsor a lay preacher to attend a conference in Penang last month. In that trip, he personally led 2 hotel staff to Christ and led a team to do street evangelism, resulting in another 23 souls being saved. For a mere RM750 sponsorship, 25 souls were added to the Kingdom of God. Praise the Lord! Imagine what RM200 million can do, if it is put in the hands of the many lay preachers, pastors and foot soldiers out there in the mission field!

God Bless

KC & some Teh Tarik members


Lois N said...

Dear Diana,

As usual you are so wise and so correct. Fully agree with all you wrote.

Remember Katherine Kuhlman who felt that God led her to break up a marriage and married that man. She was still peforming miracle healings.

As to the point of touching the annointed - asking SP to resign. Before the constitution was changed, there was a provision to have a vote of confidence for the pastor at the AGM. If God wants the pastor to move on God could swing the vote, right? If we use this provision are we touching God's annointed?

The Trampled Rose said...

Dear Lois N,

About your comment on the vote of confidence in the constitution, I would like to share my thoughts.

At this point of time - the immediate issue would be to have the members vote at the next AGM to re-include the vote of confidence for the pastor at each AGM and also to put in place, the many policies and controls so that the BOD or pastor will not have absolute discretionary powers to decide on such matters as approving and transferring large sums of money without tabling it with the members. I believe that many of us in the church do not want another SAGA like this to "rock" the church and God's Kingdom in Malaysia.

Once these policies, procedures and controls are in place, I believe that they will set in motion an extensive change in the manner of how the church operates.

Then, in true Christian spirit and in emulating God - the God of 2nd chances - we need to give SP an opportunity to work within the framework of the new constitution,policies,rules and regulations.

If for whatever reason or reasons, he is unwilling, then the normal response, and I guess, the only solution arising from this unwillingness would be for him to voluntarily resign from his position as SP.

In that way, I do not believe that we are touching God's anointed.

However, as I have said, we cannot ask him to resign - it would not be proper. We can of course, deal with the issues at hand and I am glad that the TT Group are doing just that.

The other reason that I do not support calling for the resignation of a pastor is that we are Christians and we are dealing with a church matters.

In the secular, political and corporate world, it is normative to call for the resignation of a leader when they do something wrong.

We ourselves did not like it when the BOD and SP used legality and financial law to try and justify the transactions from Missions to CIM and CARED.

So, even if they (the leaders) fail to set the example for us - we who can see that and know of a better way - We are then called to be examples for BOD and SP.

Pastor Wirachai Kowae asked me this - when a person has done good before and now commits wrong, does it mean that all the good that he has done before, is wiped out? He taught me not to be so hasty as to judge a person as bad, crooked,etc - just because of the "wrongs" at the present time. Wirachai said that we need to remember how we stand before God when we consider another. By this, I think that he refers to the fact, that many of us stand before God in the same way - without wrongs too and we would be nowhere, if God did not give us another chance.

So,we must give a chance to SP to repent and change (if he is really doing wrong - as this point, we have lots of information and many questions but we have no solid concrete proof of his heart) and do right - just as God gives us the many chances in our lives.

In addition, when I plea with all not to touch God's anointed, I mean with insinuations of name-calling, unproven allegations, etc - I do so because I am spiritually concerned for the person or persons who do/does these things. I am not at all worried about God's anointed - for God protects His own.

However, for those who insinuate without proof, that person will be judged by God. Even if we have proof and information, we must be careful the manner in which we use that information - including our expression of it all.

I hope that sufficiently explains where I am coming from.

God bless


Lois N said...

Thanks Diana for your explanation - actually also my thoughts also.

I have been very concerned when remarks are thrown at each other. My stand is always "do not take sides, take God's side" i.e. take the side of God for truth.

Unfortuntely up till now we have not seen SP doing anything except getting his deacons to protect him and speak up for him. It is actually not fair for some of the deacons as they had not been on the Board that far back and may not know all the details.

It is easier said to vote for changes in an AGM or EGM. You should have seen the tight control and carefully prepared agenda.

The Trampled Rose said...

Dear Lois N,

If the EGM was any indication of how tight things were controlled, I can just imagine the AGM.

However, I believe that situations are constantly shifting and that God is working even when we really don't have a clue of what HE is doing.

Right now, we are not directly involved in the SAGA can only pray that God will work swiftly for His Church, the Christian community in Malaysia and around the world.

It is a good time to - "be still and know that He is God" - especially when one is feeling so helpless and lost - as I know many are like us - feeling exasperated and frustrated at the "non-communicato" attitude of SP and the BOD.

God bless

SPinocchio said...

Dear Diana,
Your thoughts are very well written. But my questions right now are:
1) Can God's anointing be upon the minister who does not repent and return the MILLIONS ringgit that belong to Calvary Church?
2) If God's anointing has left SP, are we just going to warm the church pews every Sunday?
3) Can you still listen to a 'thief'(SP & SIS) with an open heart when they preach?
Of late I am having some difficulty.And I think the congregation too.Cos hardly anyone say AMEN when they preach

Someone sent me an email with this story......
A young lady from church visited an old lady who was very sick. At the conclusion the young lady said,
"Let me pray for you."
The old lady answered,
"I can do that myself, please wash my dishes."
I believe God uses ordinary people for His appointment.Some to pray, some to do the admin job.
If God wants the change of leadership, we must allow Him to. In fact we should all be praying to God to prepare us for the change.I believe God does have someone in His plan. The question is are we prepare for the change?

Dear Lois N
Yes, God did use Kathleen Kulman to perform His miracles upon thousands. In fact many with cancer were healed.But yet Kathleen Kulman died of cancer.
God did not heal her. Could this be the sin of coveteousness?

No wonder Diana said pray that God have mercy on SP.

Francis said...

A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance. Proverbs 28:13 (LB)

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