Saturday, April 9, 2011

The History Of Calvary Church, Kuala Lumpur, Revisited

We reproduce below a Comment / Testimony posted by a pioneer member of Calvary Church, since the days of Calvary Church's humble beginnings in Jalan Sayor. It is good to remember our roots and to thank God for the way He led the pioneer Pastors of Calvary Church and to recognise the work of those Pastors who guided, encouraged and loved the members of the Church by living a godly example to the Church members back then.

Jalan Sayor migrant said...


Guynes was one of our pastors when we were in Jalan Sayor. He did not play a part in the building of CC DH (Calvary Church Damansara Heights).

Pastor Jones and Assistant Pastor Fred Abeysekera (Singaporean) were our pastors in Jalan Sayor who spearheaded CC at DH (Calvary Church at Damansara Heights). We were the English speaking congregation sharing First Assembly in Jalan Sayor.

They caught the vision to purchase DH (Damansara Heights) land at RM2.70 per sq foot, plans were drawn and we built our present church by stages. They shared their vision with us and assured us since God gave the vision, He (God) will supply the money.

This He did - Americans like Gene Martin, Katherine Kuffman foundation and various other people helped to raise funds. Our congregation then was 60-70 and only about 20 were working with limited income. We raised funds by selling cookies, kueh, sew clothes, wash cars - meagre sums but we were all happily doing what we could to contribute.

Mind you there were no faith promise, missions offering, pledges etc. We did what we could - Pastor Jones and family moved in to the back of CC DH (where the Visitor's lounge is) so that he can give his housing allowance for renting of a bungalow to the church offering.

WE MOVED IN DEBT FREE - this made a very strong impression on me - when God desires us to build any churches for His glory, He gives vision to one or two or three - they share, the rest will catch the vision. He provides the funds through others, through us and multiplies. There was no pressure - we sacrificed what we could - God did the rest.

Pastor Jones GAVE what others from abroad gave to Calvary Church for CC building fund.

What others give to PG for CCC from abroad, does he give All back to CCC or his personal account?

PG and PG2 were pastoring in the backwaters of Klang - sure, he did not contribute 1 single cent.

In fact when we employed them as pastors, they came in to a well established church because all of us love the Lord - we also loved the Guneratnams and even gave them an interest free loan to buy their BANDARAYA house and pay their instalments for them as housing allowance.

YET WHAT DID THEY DO? They axed some of the Jalan Sayor crowd. They bite the hand of those who feed them!!

MANY OF US FROM JALAN SAYOR can attest that this is what we went through.

Am sharing this with you because when you are not part and parcel of those who helped to raise funds for CC DH, you will have no qualms even to sell it to ensure CCC comes into being - HJK mentioned this during an EGM.

Wonder whether you guys are ever concerned that in KL it is extremely difficult to get a church land, let alone at DH?

It is where we begun, so we should hold tight to it and not chase after CCC which is really out of the way for many, especially the older ones.

For BOD - godliness with contentment is great gain - do not chase after the wind!!!

This was a Comment posted on April 8, 2011 11:16 AM in the previous artical on Calvaryland -Another Sad Tale



Anonymous said...


Thank you to Jalan Sayur migrant for correcting our misconception about Guynes. We now have confirmation that Guynes did NOT play any part in the building of CC DH. God's truth shines through after all these years through your sharing, Jalan Saur migrant. You must be one of CC pioneer members. God bless.

April 8, 2011 9:35 PM
(Reposted here)

Anonymous said...

Is Bro. Guynes a member of CC now? If he is a member, is he a voting member or associate member? He's not even a Malaysian. Voting members were downgraded to assoc. members, then lost membership altogether if he/she does not attend CC regularly. Even youths who go overseas to study are treated the same way. If Guynes is a voting member, PG is practicing double standard. Maybe PG will accord him member emeritus.

Guynes was supposed to be neutral for the EGM. But he had failed miserably. What more can you say when PG was dangling US10,000 in front of his eyes. Probably he flew First Class too with compliments from CC. Yet as per Ps Steven the collection for a pastor who was a guest speaker at a Youth camp was used to offset his airfare. Isn't the youth ministry an important part of the church? US10,000 is very, very good pay for a night's work.

Do not forget Guynes condoned freemasonary in his open letter after the EGM.

April 9, 2011 12:32 AM
(Reposted here)

Anonymous said...

What will happen to our dearest church CCDH in future especially when CCC is built / completed ? Will they discard our poor church like an unwanted person who has aged ? Is CCDH being charged to the bank(s) ? How come PG does not disclose such infomation to the CC congregation ? Why nobody dared to question him ?

Anonymous said...

The two recent articles by Calvarites suckered over Calvaryland and Jalan sayor Migrant not only makes interesting reading, it also open the eyes of the reader into the aristocratic and arrogant nature of PG. Hope more members will share their sad experience or the history of Calvary Church on the blog. The aim is not to throw mud at him but to bring awareness to who are still doubtful of his arrogance and dictatorship because words from the horse's mouth is very meaningful.

Meanwhile, can Jalan Sayor Migrant shed some light on the Lake Club incident? It was posted earlier that when CC bought the land in Damansara Heights, the pastor became a member of Lake Club. Then Lake Club removed this membership when PG committed a misconducted himself. Similarly if any golden eagles know the story, do share. There is no need go to into specifics, just a confirmation regarding this episode.

Anonymous said...

Jalan Sayor migrant said, "In fact when we EMPLOYED them (viz PG1 and PG2), they came in to a well established church because all of us loved the Lord."

Then he/she went on to add, " We also loved the G... and even gave them an interest free loan to buy their (repeat THEIR, not the church's) BANDARAYA house and pay their INSTALMENTS for them as housing allowance."

These revelations from Jalan Sayur migrant surrounding the CC's help for PG and family are really eye openers yo the rest of us, at least a majority of us who joined later!

Perhaps CC overpampered the PG1, PG2 and G family's, like overloving parents apoiling their kids till they become brats, and worse monsters hitting and hating others, excepet those who know how to "carry them". "Biting the hands that feed them."

Look what's happening now. Monster's unlimited. What a betrayal of other Christians' love for them.

Anonymous said...

"We could help being hurt and digusted by the turn off attitude of this person,attending to our enquiries. We had no choice but to conclude having the uncanny suspicion that she(SHEREEN) was trying very hard to shoo us away. She did not show any concern about accepting or even meeting our aged mother. She seemed to be firm about turning away our poor mother"
Well Sir, God has used this incident to expose what the home really is- a disgraceful sham using the name of Jesus.Misleading the public and the church that CC was involved in a social cause.Work of a Charlatan.The writer has raised a very legitimate question- if the occupants are self financing- why does the home need betweem RM300,000- RM500,000 every YEAR? Where does the $$ go?Shereen is a hireling.Discouraging an old lady to be admitted- she really has no sense of shame. And all this happened in church?? How pathetic.Christians have much to learn from Muslims here. Have you ever seen any elderly Malays in old folks homes? They take care of their own.I believe CC is crumbling- end coming soon. I think God left the church quite a while ago and he is not returning right now.Its CC- ICHABOD!! Whats is going on in CC right now is not preaching of Gods Word- its entertainment.So those of you who stay behind- enjoy the show while it lasts- curtains coming down soon!!! Disgusted.

Jalan Sayor migrant said...

Anonymous 9.4.11 3.43 pm

I choose not to comment on the Lake Club incident......if you have any friends who are Lake Club Members, you should ask them. Hope you understand the purpose for this blog

God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

The Lake Club member should be a club member in the early 1980s. That was when it happened.

Anonymous said...

Turn Off The Tap (TOTT) is the best solution to remove PGs secular lifestyle!
Let's fast and pray for existing worshippers at CC DH, Cheras, DP to TOTT to bring about the removal of the PG leadrtship!

Golden Eagle said...

I have very fond memories of our old pastors too. I want to share some current information of -

Pastor Fred Abeysekera and Sister Rita who are in their late 70s or 80s but are still in active ministry. They are now in Singapore ministering to the sick people in hospitals, preaching and praying for them.

They have shared with some of us before that they have no salaries for the past 30 years of so, but there was no lack, God provided through their children and people of God who want to have a share in their ministry.

They are simple God loving Christians, called to serve the Lord and they have been used mightily by The Lord, they toiled among the Orang Asli. Ate what they ate, no complaints at all even if they were given snakes, frogs, sweet potatoes - they received and ate it with grateful hearts. They have great testimonies of how the whole village turn to the Lord.

I feel I have to share this because for those of you who are worshipping in CC, invest in our old pastors. They still come to Malaysia from Singapore by BUS.

I think they have never travelled by BIZ Class. So be discerning who you should give your missionary offerings to.

Anonymous said...

I laud CalvaryToday blog NOT to publish any comments/article that seeks to publish half-truths, gossips, personal attacks etc. It does the readers no good and it does not glorify God. I appreciate it is a fine line to expose practices, behaviours and actions that defile the holy name of God, deceive God's children (sheep) and the prosperity gospel teachings that has defile the holy pulpit of God among AOG churches. Using the sacred pulpit to attack God's children, lay guilt ( not conviction of the Holy Spirit) and glorify/defend one man. It is time to wake up church and the body of Christ must pray for darkness, deceit and false pastors and teachers to be exposed. Jesus Christ our Lord of Lord and King of Kings is coming for a "bride" that is holy, blameless and righteous. Christlikeness is what Jesus wants of us.. Discern who are the real pastors who are reaching out to the poor, needy and destitute..not living the affluent lives jetting around the world and staying in 5 star hotels and claiming to be a servant of God and preaching the prosperity gospel to enrich themselves. Lord have mercy!

Anonymous said...

This blog is a light shining through the misty, blurry and smokey Church atmosphere.Just imagine-if the terror of the blogs were not available now- the extent of the deception would never have been exposed.And we would have no other channel to bring this to light except by limited and slower means.And Pastor will continue with their pranks because they dominate the pulpit. I do not believe in attacking any Pastors.But Pastors need to be transparent before the congregation (by this I do mean that his congregation must even know their bedroom details) As far as I know, most church goers do not know how much the Pastor is gets paid. Why is this always shrouded in mystery? Do they feel embarassed that if the truth be spoken-they get more pay and other perks than those in the congregation?

And if the church sees more money- than the pastor usually says- " Lets put up our own church building-and this usually is an expensive matter- no money given out to needy families,the hospitalised. Something is wrong somewhere in our understanding of the Cross.

Open Our Eyes Lord.

IFollowJesus said...

My eyes were teary when I read this.

How on earth did Calvary Church find herself in this mess?

Truly, the greed of man knows no boundary.

When the Lord strikes, it may be too late to repent.


Fr CT @ April 11, 2011 8:24 AM

Anonymous said...

SP should initiate the peace move. After all he is the Pastor.Should lead by example. SP- go to Court - hug all of them and say "Lets sit down and talk.How did it ever get to this?" Don't sit in your air- conditioned office and send others to do your bidding.All is not lost- not yet. Just demonstrate some humility and that will go a very long way to solving this problem. Your choice Tan Sri Dr. Pastor. Don't be the author of your own misfortune.

Isaiah 8 said...

TO:Anonymous said...April 12, 2011 1:50 PM

"SP to Initiate peace"???. Honestly, even thy kingdom come this wont' ever happen.

I just wish to add, the labeling of CHRISTIAN as HYPOCRITES is at ITS BEST in PG and all his Minions.
Knowing what they committed--in cold blooded manner removing some 400 members in the Body of Christ, they can have a Church theme: "Love God & your neighbour as yourself"!!!

They dare mocked God. Please tell, who do they worship and fear?

Anonymous said...

Drove passed CCC this afternoon. Saw some construction activities going on at the site (i.e. a crane & about 20 workers).

Fr CT @ April 13, 2011 4:26 PM

Anonymous said...

Just a crane & 20 workers only at CCC site??

That's just enough to clear the rubbish from the site. So when's the real work starting?

Heard they have ran out of funds

Posted by Anonymous to Calvary Today at April 15, 2011 2:16 AM

Liew said...

3 overhead cranes are mobilised & about 100 workers on site.

Fr CT @ April 19, 2011 4:50 PM

wiser now said...

Hello Liew,

This is PG's yearly CCC fund raising gimmick. Easter time a big show is put up and all the members are gathered together in one service in a big hall. Then he goes out and say something like this, "Isn't it good to have everyone in one service together." Then congregation will shout "Amen". Then he will say, "That's why we must build CCC and complete it."

Then they will show a video clip of the construction site progress... walah.... 3 cranes and 100 workers working feverishly to complete the CCC. All is well.... CCC building on schedule ..... not abandoned.... so many workers, so many cranes and machines......

THEN THE BIG NET DROPS AND ALL THOSE IN THE HALL IS CAUGHT (not unaware by many I must say. Many of us still go there willingly to be caught)

What net?????

Pledge cards loh.....
Special offering for CCC building fund loh.....

Remember PG's breaking the bottle act????? Like that loh....

What happens after this Easter Sunday service fund raising promotion for CCC??????

The same story like the past few years...... build and stop ...... build and stop ....... build and stop .....

OK enough said by me....

Go watch the show.... Be blessed by God BUT DON'T BRING YOUR WALLET OR PURSE. Have enough money just for bus fare and lunch and dinner.




Anonymous said...

On Sunday, Robert Lim was a supersalesman for CCC on behalf of PG. Truly PG and Robert are bosom pals!

I almost puked listening to both of them heaping accolades on each other.Fair enough. If EFC had given S$1 mil to CCC. His church can justify and write-it off as a mission's offering or whatever. PG stated that the Volvo and Honda were a gift. Is this a personal gift from Robert or from EFC?
................................... Oh Come On!!!Do you really think that he used his personal $$$ to buy that gift?? Its easy for Rev Lim to buy expenseive gifts because it is church $$$.Like Pastors today - he can disguise that money spent by labelling it under the famous "missions" label. You think SP would give his personal US10,000 to Guynes? Or S10,000 to Rev. Lim??If you ask me- this whole thing stinks!! There are people in the congregation who earn less than RM1,500 per month. Looks like being a Pastor is a very lucrative business. But its a shameful business indeed- reserved only for the spiritually defiled, dead, rebrobates and those who have made shipwreck of their faith. .SP and "Yes Men" -Just remember that we will be in the congregation - and wont give a sen to you!!

Brethren-Be careful on Easter-and leave your purses at home.Its going to be the same old manipulation on stage- "If Jesus has sacrificed Himself and given everything for you.....weep...sob...sigh...should you not give sacrificially for the Kingdom Of God?? [Remember this is the man who sacked 400,refused mediation- and retained an expensive lawyer to defend him]

Dont fall for SP's crap this Easter.This skillful Charlatan will turn on the emotion by his speech again.

Behold I am coming soon and my reward is with Me.- Revelation.

Anonymous said...

It's only when the tide goes out that you learnt who's been swimming naked.

If I were you (you know who you are) I get out of the water when no one is watching (...or only the TTG is watching) once exposed, it's going to be ugly.

Posted by a 'once voting member', then an 'associate not-allowed-to-vote member', now 'removed-from-the-membership-list-member'.

Fr CT @ May 5, 2011 11:46 PM

Anonymous said...

And now I commend you to the care of God and to the message of his grace, which is able to build you up and give you the blessings God has for all His people.I have not wanted
anyone's silver or gold or clothing-

Book of Acts 20: 32-33

Can SP and any other Pastors out there walking in these footsteps?

Anonymous said...

This battle must be fought until the end-because it concerns Christians and rogue Pastors across the land.There are good pastors around but I don't think they are prepared to stand up on this issue- nobody wants to get their hands smeared.After all- if you are a "Mow Meng" Pastor- you may get "Kena Hentam" by their own pastor friends.

TTG-don't flinch.. they may have the whole administration behind them but there are many on your side- awareness has been born.

There are other churches too that hide behind a spiritual facade to keep the $$ coming in-- and hopefully by the time this CC saga ends- I wont hear things alike "If you don't like this church- go to another one". Maybe its time for members to say " If you don't like this church- YOU go to another one."

Just asking for accountability- and you get into trouble? Since when did Pastor seek expert legal advice against other church members?SP is not a Pastor anymore-he has become like a modern day Judas ..links to the offering bag.. I don't think he can sleep peacefully at night-the fear of financial misdeeds coming to light- Can you imagine leadership like this running this country ?I tell you- we are no better off than the secular powers.The reason the church seems humble is because it does not have secular Govermental power yet...but if it has....I believe it will change colours and become the same monsters we are resisting right now.

"The believer must be planted by the Lord, only then will their leaves not wither but bear fruit in their seasons." Psalm 1.

TGG- well done.We admire your courage.

Anonymous said...

FROM ANOTHER BLOG..Sermon inside a Mosque.

Tempat orang ibadah Kristian bukan untuk sembah Tuhan SAJA- itu satu sempatan untuk kutip wang. Berbandingnya dengan Masjid, mengkutip wang dalam Masjid atas sebarang alasan di haramkan didalam Masjid. Hanya wang Zakat diterima -dan tidak boleh dikutip dalam kawasan Masjid... itu pun bukan secara paksaan tetapi terpulang kepada kemampuan seseorang sendiri.

Oleh sebab itu beberapa Gereja yang mengikut amalan ini kini di tuduh dan terlibat atas syaki penipuan- Suatu contoh di KL adalah pemimpin pemimpin Calvary Church di Damansara yang terlibat dalam penipuan besar sekali secara cemerlang..yang berkenaan dengan berjuta- juta ringgit....Mereka patut diberikan pangkat A sebab dapat menutup mata Orang Kristia selama ini dalam gereja..sungguh hebat!!!

Acts 1:8 The Holy Spirit shall come and you shall be My Witnesses...

Can some Christian leader tell me what happened to the church until even the Muslims are preaching about it? This calls for some soul searching in the Christian Community.If the church has lost its witnessing power, then its loses its purpose to exist.

Serve the Lord with fear ...Psalm 2:11

I believe Judgment is heading our way soon!!!Don't forget- God shows no favouritism!!

Anonymous said...


It is true that God shows no favouritism. Oftentimes we group together inside a church and think that only unbelievers will come under the Judgment of God.Yes, the Muslims, Hindus , Buddhists will all come under the Judgement of God-but what do you think will happen to believers who use Gods name to pilfer money, get church money as salaries, perks, bonuses, endless offerings and behave like a "tai koh" inside the 4 walls of a church?